Pearl City High Schools Messenger Newspaper Now Available on

Complete monthly Messenger issues are available for you to download as well as updated weekly news stories, special features, PCHS events, sports and announcements.

In the October 2009 issue, Messenger staff writers Selena Torres and Tina Uyeno report on the recent teachers vote for 17 furlough days. Grace Morita looks in to the online world of Cyber bullying and Matthew Taira previews the PCHS Homecoming Court.

Special Features include:
Eat Happy with Keri by Kerilyn Koga
Tech Time with Juno by Juno King
College Corner by Stormy Dodge
Dear Isabella – Got Questions? Ask Isabella
Two Grumpy Guys by Sean Chang and Kevin Maruyama
Comics by Mariah Hirata
PCHS Charger Sports would like to thank PCHS Principal Caryln Fujimoto for her help in coordinating our partnership with the Messenger.

Our mission is to deliver internet content via that directly benefits our Pearl City community.

Monthly Messenger content and updated weekly contributions from the Messenger staff will truly enhance our efforts.

Welcome aboard!

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