Army Chaplain Commissioning Service held for Pearl City Resident

Apr 5, 2010 | PC Community


Halawa Heights Baptist Church in Aiea held Army Chaplain Commissioning Service for Scott Sanders of Pearl City on Saturday, April 3, 2010. Lieutenant Sanders has recently come off of Army active duty after serving 10 1/2 years and now serves in the Army reserves.

Halawa Heights Baptist Church Pastor, Larry Kelley welcomed church members as well as guest speakers from the Army and community to the Chaplaincy Commissioning Service. Church members also provided wonderful Worship music during the services.

Lieutenant Sanders will remain in the Army reserves as he completes additional training and education.

"Initially I'm a Chaplain candidate until I finish my masters of divinity degree about three years from now and then I'll go back on active duty as a full time Chaplain," said Lt. Sanders.

"God calls you and God has worked out a lot of things to get me to this point," commented Sanders when asked about the honor to serve as an Army Chaplain.

Thank you to Halawa Heights Baptist Church for allowing the opportunity to feature Lt. Scott Sanders. We wish him the best as he serves our men and women of the Armed Services as well as the community.


Scott Sanders with family members (left to right) Moses, Aaron, Scotty, Gina and Scott. Photo By: Barry Villamil / [email protected]

Chaplain Commissioning Service announcement at Halawa Heights Baptist Church. Photo By: Barry Villamil / [email protected]


Halawa Heights Baptist Church members from Pearl City. Photo By: Barry Villamil / [email protected]