PCHS seniors receive scholarships from PCCA Board


The Pearl City Community Association (PCCA) awarded four Pearl City High School seniors with $1000.00 scholarships each during a presentation dinner on Monday, May 17 at Pearl Highlands Elementary School.

2010 PCCA Scholarship recipients were chosen from a four member PCCA selection committee. Applicants were required to complete a bio, essay on why they are in need of financial assistance, field of studies, colleges or universities applied to, grades transcript, accomplishments, activities, letters of recommendations.

2010 PCCA Annual Scholarship Recipients are:

Melanie Colbaugh Hiapo (attended Monday night's presentation dinner)

Taro Kobayashi (attended Monday night's presentation dinner)

Kelly Maeshiro

Evan Schlaich

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Two of four PCCA Scholarship recipients were in attendance on Monday, (front row)Taro Kobayashi (left) and Melanie Colbaugh Hiapo (right) pictured with Pearl City Community Association Board Members, family, PCHS Principal, Carlyn Fujimoto, PCHS Career Counselor, Mark Oda, Pearl City Highlands Elementary School Principal, Michael Nakasako.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

PCHS College & Career Counselor, Mark Oda, Taro Kobayashi, Melanie Colbaugh Hiapo and PCHS Principal, Carlyn Fujimoto.

Pearl City High School requires seniors to complete a senior project.  Each senior must write a paper, conduct a research project and present it in front of an advisory panel.

"They go through a process to select something they want to learn, or also a component that is community based," said Pearl City High School Principal, Carlyn Fujimoto. "We want more students to get used to that idea because when they graduate from high school they should have that ability to speak in front of a group and work together with their co-workers."

                                                           Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Pearl City High School Principal, Carlyn Fujimoto explaining the senior project to those in attendance Monday night. PCCA board member, Warren Hiromoto listens in.

PCCA Annual Scholarship recipient, Taro Kobayashi chose to learn how to compose basic music for his senior project.

"The highlight of my senior year was that I was involved with the senior project,"said Taro Kobayashi. "I learned how to compose just the basics on how to compose music. I created my own piece and had it recorded by the seniors."

Taro Kobayashi would like to study Environmental Sciences in college and is currently on the wait list for Brown University and has been accepted to Oregon State University.

Melanie Colbaugh Hiapo is interested in staying close to home with an interest in the nursing field.

"I will attend Leeward Community College and transfer to UH Manoa to pursue a nursing degree," said Melanie Colbaugh Hiapo.

Kelly Maeshiro is currently serving out his term as the student representative on the Hawaii State Board of Education. Kelly has been accepted to attend Cornell University, Princeton University and Harvard University. He has decided on Harvard University. He would like to either study education and one day become a principal or may choose to study law.

Evan Schlaich will attend the very prestigious Vassar College in New York.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

PCHS College & Career Counselor, Mark Oda discussing the process to successfully prepare students for life after high school

PCCA conducts fundraiser projects throughout the year in the Pearl City community to support their scholarship programs. The PCCA Board of Directors is grateful to the community for their support and generosity that allows the PCCA the opportunity to present deserving students financial assistance to pursue their academic goals and future professional dreams.

PCCA  thrives on partnerships that are formed to meet their scholarship goals. A special thanks to PCHS Principal, Carlyn Fujimoto and PCHS College and Career Counselor, Mark Oda for their exceptional leadership, commitment and guidance for students who seek a college education or vocational training that will secure their futures.

Also, thanks to the Pearl City District Complex of Schools that begin at the elementary level preparing and motivating their students to excel academically and socially to best of their abilities.

Mahalo to Pearl City Highlands Elementary School Principal, Michael Nakasako for his contributions and support to the PCCA.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Retired Pearl City Highlands Elementary School Principal, Leroy Ching (standing) having a great time with the scholarship recipients as he explains the importance and purpose of the PCCA Annual Scholarship Awards.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Pearl City Community Association Board Members serving dinner to PCHS guests.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Pearl City Highlands Elementary School Principal, Michael Nakasako (evening host), BOE and PCCA Board Member, Breene Harimoto, Melanie Colbaugh Hiapo, Taro Kobayashi and PCCA President, Jitsuo Fujimura.

Congratulations to the 2010 PCCA Annual Scholarship Recipients!

Melanie Colbaugh Hiapo

Taro Kobayashi

Kelly Maeshiro

Evan Schlaich