PCHS Team Hawaii ready to strut the Hurley runway

Team Hawaii from Pearl City High School takes off  today to Huntington Beach, California to compete in the Hurley "Walk the Walk" National Competition. PCHS Team Hawaii represents Hawaii, Canada and the Northwest in the competition which begins on Thursday, August 5, 2010.

Team Hawaii competed earlier in the year in three different Hurley video challenges, winning all three to earn their way to Huntington Beach.

( view complete Walk the Walk competition including videos from each challenge at: hurley.com/wtw.)

The students that make up Team Hawaii have worked hard the past few months perfecting their presentation. Monday's rehearsal was filled with high energy and excitement as Wednesday's departure date was only a couple days away.

"We're more excited than anything because I don't think a lot of people have been to Cali," said Team Hawaii Producer, Chelsey Hatori. "We're pumped up so I'm hoping for the best."

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

PCHS Team Hawaii Producer, Chelsey Hatori takes a break during rehearsal on Monday.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Team Hawaii Leaders: (left to right) Taylor Inafuku, Matthew Taira, Dawn Hillary Pascual, Margaux Valerie Corla, Brittney Mendoza, Wainani Paikai, Shannon Kaminaga. Missing: Andrew Reyes

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

PCHS Team Hawaii:

Chelsey Hatori (Producer)

Michelle Brown (Backstage Manager)

Brittney Mendoza (Promotions)

Shannon Kaminaga (Promotions)

Danielle Barnett (Performance)

Dawn Hillary Pascual (Performance)

Andrew Reyes (Art Set/Design)

Wainani Paikai (Music)

Tayler Inafuku (Hair/Make-up)

Katy Akagi (Timing)

Margaux Valerie Corla (Fashion Design Team)

Matthew Taira (Blogging)

Jessica Higashi

Evan Schlaich

Jordan Darley

Katy Akagi

Rachel Isara

Alanna Konno

Austin Kawano

Sheldon Hirai

Miguel Medina

Brent Nagareda

Elijah Kaneshiro

Walker Williams

Nikki Takai (Advisor)


Team Hawaii needs your vote. Log on to http://usopenofsurfing.com/

on Friday, August 6 at 1:00pm (HST) to cast your vote.

You can also follow PCHS Team Hawaii through the National Hurley Competition by logging on to facebook.com/wtwteamhawaii (official team hawaii page)

or facebook.com/charliechargerpchs (our pchs site)

Go PCHS Team Hawaii! Good Luck in the Hurley Competition!