The Pearl City Community Association (PCCA) held its 51st Annual General Membership Meeting on Friday, November 19, 2010 at the Pearl City Highlands Elementary School cafeteria.
Emcee and PCCA 2010 2nd Vice-President, Alan Miyamoto opened the meeting with a welcome message followed by the introduction of the 2010 PCCA Board of Directors.
PCCA members and guests were treated to a bufffet dinner prepared by PCCA Chef's, Jits Fujimura and Warren Hiromoto that consisted of roasted turkey, stuffing, stew, hot dogs and dessert.
During dinner, meeting attendees watched a PCCA community video featuring Board members, Jits Fujimura, Warren Hiromoto, Breene Harimoto and Dr. Reed Shiraki. The 30 minute video was recently broadcast on Oceanic Cable's, Olelo Television and was presented as a round table discussion focused on community volunteer work that the Pearl City Community Association participates in throughout the year. Dr. Shiraki was instrumental in coordinating the video taping session with the Olelo Television production team.
The evening also included the announcement of nominees for 2011 PCCA Officers and Directors and a membership vote for New & Amended Articles to By-Laws.
American Savings Bank AVP Branch Manager, Arnold Santayana was the invited guest speaker.
Thanks to everyone who helped make the Pearl City Community Association's 51st Annual General Membership Meeting a success!
2010 PCAA Officers
President……………………………………Jits Fujimura
2nd Vice-President……………………..Alan Miyamoto
3rd Vice President……………………….Leroy Ching
Secretary……………………………………..Warren Hiromoto
Treasurer……………………………………Jason Martinson
Board of Directors
Calvin Ebesutani
Breene Harimoto
Dr. Reed Shiraki
Barry Villamil
Bob Kubo ( Honorary Board Member)
Nominees for 2011 Officers
Jits Fujimura
Warren Hiromoto
Barry Villamil
Dr. Reed Shiraki
Calvin Ebesutani
Jason Martinson
The Pearl City Community Association will hold its 2011 Installation Banquet on Saturday, January 29, 2011 from 5:30pm – 8:30pm at the Pearl City Highlands Elementary School cafeteria. Everyone is welcome!
RSVP: e-mail Calvin @: [email protected]