Mana Loa-Nimitz Lions Club reaching out to feed those in need

Feb 2, 2011 | PC Community


Mana Loa-Nimitz Lions Club President and long time Pearl City community volunteer,  Warren Hiromoto would like to invite the community to support the "Giving From the Heart Food Drive"  by dropping off canned goods to Radford High School from February 6 through February 16, 2011.

"Collect your can goods and donate to our joint Hawaii Food Bank Drive partnership with Radford High School starting from 2/06-16/2011," said Mana Loa-Nimitz Lions Club President Hiromoto. "Make the effort to collect from your relatives, friends, co-workers, etc., and drop it off at RHS during school hours."

Come out and make a difference for those in need with a donation to the "Giving From the Heart Food Drive."

The Mana Loa-Nimitz Lion Club serves the community from Aloha Tower to Pearl Harbor but has generously donated many volunteer hours to communities beyond their district boundaries. Pearl City is a frequent beneficiary of their dedication to serve. Most recently the club helped out at the Pearl City Community Association's (PCCA) 52nd Annual Installation/Appreciation Dinner.

To learn more about the commitment to community service that District 50 Hawaii Lions Club's provide in Hawaii, visit their website at: