The UH Urban Garden Center (UGC) in Pearl City hosted "Senior Day" on Saturday, April 9, 2011 as a part of the Second Saturday at the Garden program.
The day featured horticultural therapy activities for seniors to participate in throughout the three hour event that ran from 9:00am – 12:00pm.
Classes were taught by licensed occupational therapists on “Ergonomic Gardening: proper body movements for seniors while gardening."
Seniors and UGC guests were also treated to demonstrations on user-friendly garden tools, container gardening and the very popular raised bed gardening.
UH Master Gardeners were on hand to answer gardening questions in the "got a plant question" booth. A small plant sale and UH Seed sale offered everyone an opportunity to start or add to their own home gardens.
The Ladies of Halau Na Leo Nahenahe O Na Kupuna entertained the crowd with beautiful hula during the event.
It was a fun and educational day for our Kupuna. Mahalo to the UH Urban Garden Center for their continued commitment to our Pearl City community.
For more information about the Second Saturday at the Garden program, please call 453-6050 or 453-6055 or visit