The Pearl City Community Association (PCCA) held their annual PCCA Scholarship Awards Dinner on Monday at the Pearl City Highlands Elementary School Library.
Four Pearl City High School Seniors each received $1000 scholarships from the PCCA Board of Directors during the Scholarship Awards Dinner presentation.
Pearl City High School Principal, Carlyn Fujimoto and Post High School Counselor, Mark Oda joined the scholarship recipients and their parents for the scholarship presentation.
2011 PCCA Scholarship Recipients; Christine Chong, Merrie Oshiro, Jamie Higa and Matthew Taira were chosen out of 28, Pearl City High School 2011 Senior Class applicants.
Applicants were judged on their academic standing, extracurricular activities, community service and written essay. Consideration was also given with regard to their higher education financial (tuition assistance) needs.
“I’m really privileged to receive this award because my dad is the only one that is working so the money for tuition is important. Anything that I can receive and get awarded is a big help to me and my family. Being awarded a thousand dollars can help pay for books. I’m very thankful to the PCCA and honored that they chose me as one of their recipients.”
Christine Chong, Creighton University
“I feel very honored to receive the scholarship because my mom’s a single parent. I know the financial thing was kind of an issue for me deciding where to go to college. I feel so grateful that the PCCA gave me this money so I can further my education.”
Merrie Oshiro, Creighton University
“I’m very thankful to receive this award because a little money goes a long way and I’ll definitely use it to help me in my college experiences.”
Jamie Higa, University of Hawaii at Manoa
“It’s a real honor to be awarded a Pearl City Community Association scholarship because out of all of the Pearl City kids, it feels very special to be one of four out of all of the applicants that were selected. There were a lot of good applicants this year and I’m proud to be part of my senior class and actually win one of the four awards.”
Matthew Taira, Creighton University
“This particular class is very special to me because they started the same year that I stepped foot on the Pearl City High School campus. It’s very gratifying to know that they’re going on to bigger and better things. This PCCA scholarship really helps and I only hope that when they do finish college they will come back and serve the community well."
Carlyn Fujimoto, Principal, PCHS
“First of all, thank you to the Pearl City Community Association for continuing the scholarship program. These students are very deserving and they also need it a lot because with college costs going up every year, every little bit helps.”
Mark Oda, Post High School Counselor, PCHS
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Christine Chong (center) pictured with parents, Sun Chong (left) and Yong Hun (right).
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Merrie Oshiro pictured with her mother, Linda Oshiro.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Jamie Higa (left) pictured with parents, Hilton (center) and Priscilla (right).
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Matthew Taira (center) pictured with parents, Beverly (left) and Nathan (right).
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
PCHS Principal, Carlyn Fujimoto (left) and PCHS Post High School Counselor, Mark Oda (right) pose with the scholarship recipients.
On behalf of the Pearl City Community Association Board of Directors and President Jits Fujimura, we would like to say congratulations and wish the four 2011 PCCA Scholarship Award Recipients much success in achieving their higher education goals.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]