Mana Loa-Nimitz Lions sponsor International Youth Camp luncheon

Jul 13, 2011 | PC Community


The Mana Loa-Nimitz Lions Club provided lunches to a group of 22 International Youth Camp students from around the world on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at the Rainbow Park/Shizuo Pavilion on the historic shores of Pearl Harbor in Aiea.

The International Youth Campers are currently on the annual 2 week Goodwill Tour in Hawaii representing various Lions' clubs from other countries. This special group of students were individually selected from their hometown Lion's clubs. Two students from Hawaii were selected this year to represent Lions District 50.

This is the second year that the Mana Loa-Nimitz Lions Club has sponsored the luncheon for the students and their chaperones.

Mana Loa-Nimitz Lions Club President, Warren Hiromoto explained the club's participation and support for the students during the International Youth Camp in Hawaii.

"This is an International Youth Camp for students from all over the world," said Hiromoto. "They come here every year and have a good time. They also go to the neighbor islands as well. Our job is to be a host for District 50 Hawaii. We provide chaperones, housing, etc. Our club, Mana Loa-Nimitz Lions Club provides lunch here at the Rainbow Park/Shizuo Pavilion.This is our share of helping out District 50 Hawaii."

The students had a busy day on Wednesday with a visit to the Arizona Memorial in the morning, followed by the Mana Loa-Nimitz Lions Club sponsored luncheon and shopping in the afternoon.

There is also a farewell dinner and program planned for the students at Manoa Elementary School on Friday, July 22, 2011 at 6:00pm.

For more information:

Call: 223-4893
email contact:  [email protected]

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Mana Loa-Nimitz Lions Club volunteers get ready to serve lunch to the International Youth Camp students on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at Rainbow Park/Shizuo Onishi Pavilion in Aiea.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Mana Loa-Nimitz Lions Club volunteer, Jits Fujimura from Pearl City, fills the plate of one of the 22 students that went through the lunch line on Wednesday.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

International Youth Camp students enjoying the day near the historic shoreline of Pearl Harbor in Aiea.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

A view of Pearl Harbor near the Rainbow Park/Shizuo Onishi Pavilion in Aiea.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

The Rainbow Park/Shizuo Onishi Pavilion named in honor of Lions District 50 leader Shizuo Onishi, for his contributions through many years of service.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

A partial view of the Rainbow Park/Shizuo Onishi Pavilion built by Pearl City Lion's Club volunteers and other volunteers representing Lion's District 50 club's.