The Pearl City High School Chargers football program hosted their annual youth football clinic on Saturday, July 30, 2011 at Edwin "Bino" Neves Stadium.
One-hundred youth football players and their coaches from the Highlands Colts Pop Warner Football program participated in the clinic. The clinic was instructed by Pearl City Chargers varsity football head coach Kai Kamaka, his coaching staff, and players.
After an official Chargers warm up session, youth football participants had an opportunity to run through both offensive and defensive drills as well learn important team building skills throughout the clinic.
The Chargers annual youth football clinic has been developed by coach Kai Kamaka to give back to Pearl City's youth football players, coaches and the community for their support of the Chargers football program.
The Pearl City Chargers football program also volunteers throughout the year in support of events that benefit our Pearl City community and its residents.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Pearl City Chargers varsity football head coach Kai Kamaka pictured giving youth football clinic participants from the Highlands Colts instructions on how to line up for drills on Saturday, July 30, at Pearl City High School.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Pearl City Chargers varsity football players and coaches pictured leading clinic participants through warm up exercises.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Highlands Colts football coaching staff pose for a photo op on Saturday.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
The Highlands Colts youth football players learned a lot about football during the clinic on Saturday, but also had a great time hanging out with teammates at Pearl City High School.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Pearl City Chargers football players pictured leading the Highlands Colts through a team cheer on Saturday.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
2011 Pearl City Chargers Annual Youth Football Clinic group photo taken at Edwin "Bino" Neves Stadium on the campus of Pearl City High School on Saturday, July 30, 2011.