UGC pergola project coming together piece by peace

Apr 29, 2012 | PC Community


Construction began on Saturday on a new "super" pergola at the Urban Garden Center in Pearl City. The structure, when completed, will grace the entrance to the UGC Rose Garden. It is planned to be an integral part of  the "Peace Garden" that will offer UGC visitors an opportunity to relax and enjoy the beautiful roses grown and maintained by volunteers from the Honolulu Rose Society.

Volunteers from the Rotary Club of Pearlridge, Aiea High School Interact Program, UGC Master Gardeners, and community groups, joined the University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) staff during Saturday's pergola construction project.

Bob Speer, past President of the Honolulu Rose Society serves as the project coordinator and lead construction foreman.

"I would like to thank all the volunteers who came and made today's construction work day a success," said Speer while addressing the volunteers during lunch at the UGC. "We will complete the first phase of the project in June. We also have plans in the works to eventually hold weddings, parties and other events at the new pergola and Peace Garden," added Speer.

The project is budgeted for $10,000. Generous donations from the public has helped finance a good portion of the project to date.

Members from the Pearlridge Rotary Club volunteered in 2011 to help in the initial UGC Rose Garden construction and planting of over 100 rose plants. Saturday's participation of the pergola construction by the Rotarians continued their support of the UGC.

The Pearlridge of Rotary Club is committed to serving the needs of the community during the year through their community service projects program coordinated by 2012 chairperson Keith Masuda. Great job!

Mahalo to the Honolulu Rose Society volunteers who kept everyone hydrated and well supplied with snacks. Also, to chef David for the ono barbecue feast for lunch!


                                                      Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Bob Speer, past President of the Honolulu Rose Society shows off his excitement as construction during Saturday's work day on the UGC pergola project runs  ahead of schedule.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Rotary Club of Pearlridge volunteers, Roy Higa (left) and Gordon Arakaki (right) pictured working on installing brace supports for the pergola scaffolding walkway.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Aiea High School Interact Program student volunteers worked hard on the different  construction work crews from pergola construction, painting and area grading. AHS Interact students pictured checking the plum on the pergola posts with Rotary Club of Pearlridge Rotarian Dick Mosko.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Aiea High School Interact Program student volunteers pictured with Rotary Club of Pearlridge volunteers at the pergola painting station on Saturday. Mahalo to the students who joined the other volunteers in the tough task of painting "in the hot sun" for four hours on Saturday. (Rotary Club of Pearlridge President Doreen Higa pictured third from left).

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Jeoffrey Cudiamat, husband of Rotary Club of Pearlridge member Cheryl Cudiamat, volunteered his structural enginering expertise on Saturday. Cudiamat pictured with his son while working together on a portion of pergola construction project.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Volunteer Vince Savarino prepares to set one the heavy pergola cross beams into place. Vince & Ann Savarino (Uncle & Aunt) of Rotary Club of Pearlridge President Elect Tony Lorenzo lended a big hand during Saturday's pergola construction project.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Project co-foreman "Red" pictured working on the construction of scaffolding support braces in his outdoor workshop at the UGC.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Mahalo to the volunteers from the Honolulu Rose Society for keeping everyone hydrated and well fed during Saturday's work project! (Awesome homemade cookies!)