PCSC owner donates $16,000 in paper stock for Pearl City schools


The owner of the Pearl City Shopping Center (PCSC) has recently made available over $16,000 worth of 'free" paper stock to Pearl City District Complex Schools.

Several pallets of unused boxed paper inventory made its way from Obun Printing Company in Honolulu to the Pearl City Shopping Center to be distributed to Pearl City Schools.

Pearl City District Complex Principals were put in contact with Pearl City Shopping Center Facility Manager Ken Williams to schedule an appointment to view the different grades and paper sizes that are currently being housed in the former Blockbuster retail store location at the shopping center.

Yesterday morning, Lehua Elementary School Principal Fay Toyama was the first to select from the thousands of sheets of paper stock. What made the free paper donation to Lehua Elementary School even more special was the free "same day" special delivery service to the school. "For every Pearl City school that chooses the free paper donation, I will deliver the paper stock right to their school," said PCSC Facility Manager Ken Williams.

The paper donation comes in a time where schools throughout the DOE are finding it difficult to work within the current budget crunch to fund needed supplies.

Mahalo to Pearl City Shopping Center owner, Mr. Duane Kurisu for his generous donation and his continued support of our Pearl City District Complex Schools.

Also, mahalo to Ken Williams for his efforts in making sure the paper donations reached our schools.

Distribution Update: 6/9/2012

All paper stock inventory has been distributed as of Saturday, June 9. The following schools received a portion of the free paper: Lehua Elementary, Pearl City Elementary, and Kanoelani Elementary. 

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]