Seventy-five third grade students at Waiau Elementary School in Pearl City received a special gift on Monday as members of the Rotary Club of Pearlridge delivered free dictionaries to the students during an early morning presentation at the school.
Waiau Elementary School was the first of five schools in Pearl City and Aiea who will receive free dictionaries for their third grade students during the 2012-2013 school year.
Monday, 3/11
Waiau Elementary
Wednesday, 3/13
Webling Elementary
Momilani Elementary
Friday, 3/15/13
Lehua Elementary
Palisades Elementary
As a part of the annual Hawaii Rotary District 5000 Dictionary Project, the Rotary Club of Pearlridge has committed its efforts in supporting literacy for our Pearl City and Aiea third grade students.
The Rotary Club of Pearlridge also awards $100 savings bonds to one boy and one girl from each school that best exemplifies Rotary International's "Service Above Self" and the Principles of the "Four Way Test".
1. Is it the truth;
2. Is it fair to all concerned,
3. Will it bring good will and better friendships
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned.
The "Four Way Test" has been placed in each dictionary for the third grade students to learn and follow.
Mahalo to Waiau Elementary School Principal Troy Takazono, Vice Principal Makanoe Kawasaki, third grade teachers; Tiffanie Woods, Lisa Dell, LoriAnn Iwata, Kumu Koleka Haia (Hawaiian Immersion) and their support staff.
Also a special mahalo to Kumu Koleka Haia and her Hawaiian Immersion third grade class for their Hawaiian oli that welcomed the Pearlridge Rotarians to their school and classroom.
Rotary Club of Pearlridge members who participated in Monday's dictionary presentation: Rick Lau, Dick Mosko, Cheryl Cudiamat, Clifton Yasutomi, Gordon Arakaki and Barry Villamil.
Mahalo to Doreen Higa (2011-2012 Rotary Club of Pearlridge President) for her efforts in organizing the dictionary project presentations at each school, and also for delivering 75+ dictionaries on Monday morning to Waiau Elementary School.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Cheryl Cudiamat (far right) led the dictionary presentation on Monday. Cudiamat is pictured reading out the names of the students as they pick up their brand new dictionaries. Clifton Yasutomi (center) hands out one of the first dictionaries presented to the students on Monday while Rick Lau (far left) gets ready for the next student.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Gordon Arakaki hands over a brand new dictionary to another Waiau Elementary third grader.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Dick Mosko was kept busy handing out dictionaries in the back of the classroom.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Cheryl Cudiamat receives a big hug from a happy third grader who represented her class with a very special Thank You card for the Pearlridge Rotarians.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Waiau Elementary School third graders (holding dictionaries) join Pearlridge Rotarians along with Vice Principal Makanoe Kawasaki (back row, second from right) for a photo on Monday.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Group photo taken inside Mrs. Dell's class on Monday following the dictionary presentation.