Momilani Elementary honors retiring staff at year end awards assembly


It was an emotional send off on Thursday, May 25 for retiring Momilani Elementary School SSC Gayleen Fujimura and school Librarian Mary Kunimitsu during the school’s annual end-of-year awards and achievement assembly held in the school cafeteria…

Fujimura and Kunimitsu were honored for their dedicated service to Momilani Elementary School and for their exceptional careers in the Department of Education system. Both Fujimura and Kunimitsu retired after 41 years of service.

Momilani Elementary School staff, faculty, students, and parents expressed their heartfelt appreciation with leis and thank you cards and a few tears.

Hawaii State Senator David Ige presented the retirees with certificates of appreciation from the State Senate for their many years of service to thousands of students throughout their careers. would like to wish Gayleen Fujimura and Mary Kunimitsu the best of luck and thank you for your contributions and significant impact that you have made on the students and their families.

                                                                                                     Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Retiring Momilani Elementary SSC Gayleen Fujimura (center) is pictured with State Senator David Ige and 

Principal Mrs. Doreen Higa after receiving her Senate certificate of appreciation and thank you cards during

the school's annual end-of-year awards and achievement assembly held in the school cafeteria on

Thursday, May 23, 2013.

                                                                                                     Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Gayleen Fujimura is presented a thank you card and a hug from one of her students.

                                                                                                     Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Retiring school Librarian Mary Kunimitsu is pictured receiving her State Senate certificate of appreciation

from State Senator David Ige.

                                                                                                     Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Mary Kunimitsu gets a big farewell hug from one of her students.

                                                                                                     Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Gayleen Fujimura and Mary Kunimitsu take a group photo with Principal Doreen Higa, Senator David Ige

and Momilani Elementary School student award winners.