Kahala Associates real estate agents Yumi Laney and Christina Laney-Wycheck will once again lead the annual Pearl City food drive on Saturday, November 9 and Saturday, November 16. This will be the sixth food drive coordinated and executed by the mother-daughter team along with a core of dedicated community volunteers, businesses and corporate sponsors, and support from their employer Kahala Associates.
Yumi and Christina will also conduct an annual food drive in the Kaimuki/Kapahulu neighborhoods with fellow Kahala Associates real estate agent Aileen Rodriguez-‐Chizer which is scheduled for Saturday, November 2 and Saturday, November 9.
All food donations collected from the community during the drives goes directly to benefit the Hawaii Foodbank and their efforts to feed Hawaii's hungry during the Holiday season as well as throughout the year. Last year, they collected a record breaking 2622 pounds of food donations and are hoping to top that number this year.
Support plays a big role in their success and ability to collect thousands of pounds of food each year. Giving back to help others is important to Yumi and Christina. The Hawaii Foodbank was there for them when they were need and they will always be grateful for the generous gesture from the community in the spirit of giving. Bringing together our Pearl City community is their mission, hopefully engaging other communities to follow their lead while incorporating the model that they have created and implemented.
“We’re so thankful to everyone who supports us, year after year,” said Laney Wycheck. “When
we started the food drive, we couldn’t have imagined how big it would become. We just wanted to give back because the Hawaii Foodbank helped our family when we needed it. Ultimately, I want to bring together our entire Pearl City community – schools, nonprofits, everyone – and have other communities all over the island be able to adopt our model too. I tell people, ‘You can do it! Every one of us can make a difference."
Volunteers will being going door to door passing out food donation bags (provided by Outback Steakhouse in Waipio) to homes in the Pearl City community from 9:00am-12:30pm on Saturday, November 9.
They will return the following Saturday, November 16, from 9:00am -12:30pm to collect any food donations that were left for pick up.
Please contact Christina Laney-Wycheck at (808) 282-1399 for more information.
Kaimuki / Kapahulu
Donation Bag Drop-off – Saturday, November 2 9:00am – 12:30pm
Donation Bag Pick-up – Saturday, November 9 9:00am – 12:30pm
Please contact Aileen Rodriguez-Chizer at: (808) 348- 1782 for more information.
Log on to: www.hawaiifoodbank.org to learn more about the Hawaii Foodbank and how you can get involved as a community volunteer.
Photo courtesy of Yumi Laney and Christina Laney-Wycheck
Christina pictured dropping of collection bags to homes in Pearl City during last year's food drive.
Volunteers join Yumi (middle, holding bag) and Christina (far left) with food donations collected during
the 2012 Pearl City food drive. The group is pictured at the Hawaii Self Storage location in Pearl City.
Photo courtesy of Yumi Laney and Christina Laney-Wycheck