Pearl City Complex Schools to participate in Red Light Traffic Safety Awareness Campaign and the Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association present, "IT’S NOT ALL RIGHT TO RUN THE RED LIGHT: A Red Light Traffic Safety Awareness Campaign

Students, staff and community leaders will be waving traffic safety awareness signs from the sidewalks fronting all Pearl City District Complex Schools on Monday, March 31st.

Pearl City schools, students, government officials and business leaders are coming together to launch a street safety awareness campaign addressing the dangers of running red light traffic signals and stop signs.


Red Light and Traffic Safety Awareness

Sign-Waving Campaign

• Monday, March 31

• 7:15am to 8:00am

•Fronting all Pearl City District Complex Schools:

Kanoelani Elementary, Lehua Elementary, Manana Elementary, Momilani Elementary, Palisades Elementary, Pearl City Elementary, Pearl City Highlands Elementary, Waiau Elementary, Highlands Intermediate and Pearl City High School.

Red Light Traffic Awareness Programs

Poster Drawing Contest (Grades K-6)

• Monday, March 24 – Monday, April 21

It's goal that our children grow up to be responsible drivers and influence their own friends and family, teaching them that it’s not all right to run the red light. A few years ago a woman in a marked crosswalk in Pearl City died after being struck by a vehicle. Each year we think of the pain that family went through with their loss. People in vehicles seem to race up the road faster today, in a hurry to their destination. We want to end that before a student is injured. We have a dedicated team backing up this program.”

Dedicated support can be found in the following organizations and leaders:


Community Traffic Awareness Program (Honolulu Police Dept.)

Councilman Breene Harimoto

GP Roadway Solutions

Hawaiian Electric Company

Highlands Intermediate School


Obun Hawaii

Pearl City Community Association

Pearl City District Complex of Elementary Schools

Pearl City High School

Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association

State Representative Gregg Takayama

Upspring Media


Support on sign-waiving day, Monday, March 31st, will be from school principals, staff and students. Leaders include Mayor Kirk Caldwell, Director of Transportation Services, Mike Formby, State Representative Gregg Takayama, who sits on both the Transportation and Public Safety committees at the state legislature and Councilman Breene Harimoto chair of the City & County of Honolulu Transportation committee.

Additionally, a host of local business and community groups will join in the ‘waive,’ at the 10 Pearl City schools. Reserved parking for special guests and media will be at Pearl City Highlands Elementary School entering from Waimano Home Road after 6:30 am.

Red Light Traffic Safety Awareness Poster Drawing Contest


Pearl City District Complex Elementary Schools (Grades K-6)

Kanoelani Elementary, Lehua Elementary, Manana Elementary, Momilani Elementary, Palisades Elementary, Pearl City Elementary, Pearl City Highlands Elementary and Waiau Elementary.

The Poster Drawing Contest will run from Monday, March 24 – Monday, April 21, 2014.

Participating grade divisions – K-1, 2-4, 5-6.

Judging – by the Pearl City Community Association and Corporate Sponsors.


Pearl City Community Association – Best Message Awards ($100 to one boy & $100 to one girl).

Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association –  Best Original Artwork Design – ($200 Pearl City Shopping Center Gift Certificate Awarded to Best Over All Art Work Design).

Certificate Awards – top three winners in each division at the end of school year awards assemblies held at eight Pearl City District Complex Elementary Schools:

Certificate Awards Sponsor – State Representative Gregg Takayama.

The students’ artwork will be posted on and at the Pearl City Shopping Center.

The objective of this campaign is to teach Pearl City youth the importance of traffic Safety and the dangers of running red lights and stop signs. It seeks to engage them in traffic safety programs and campaigns to allow them grow up to be safe drivers on Hawaii roadways and in neighborhoods. It is hoped that, as a result,their experience and knowledge will be perpetuated and passed on to the next generation.

***** KITV 4 will be broadcasting live reports from the pre-sign waving event at Pearl City Highlands Elementary School beginning at 5:00am – 7:15am.