Lehua Elementary honors school volunteers during annual appreciation breakfast


A group of around two dozen volunteers were recognized and honored by the Lehua Elementary School administration and students at the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast held on Friday, May 2 inside the school cafeteria. Volunteers were treated to a buffet breakfast and also received appreciation certificates and and gifts for their support and service as volunteers during the 2013-2014 school year.

A trio of students opened the appreciation breakfast event with words of thanks from the Lehua Elementary School student body and  also spoke of the gratitude and appreciation for the volunteers hard work that benefits every student throughout the school year as well as during summer school studies and activities.

Lehua Elementary School PCNC, Melody Nauta is the guiding force behind the coordination of school activities such as Friday's volunteer appreciation breakfast. Nauta is grateful for the service that the core of dedicated volunteers provide to the students, and school each year.  She is also impressed with the volunteers who came together to help make a smooth transition between outgoing Lehua Elementary School Principal Fay Toyama, who retired at the end of the last school year, and new school Principal Mr. Joseph Halfmann. The volunteers worked basically behind the scenes during the school year in support of the needs of the students by easing the work load of teachers and staff.

"The event today was important because the volunteers are the people that we look to for the extra help that we need for our students,"  said Nauta. "They're the background workers that do the most important work that the teachers and the staff just don't have the time to do. The volunteers have been a big help in helping Principal Halfmann understand what has gone on in the past, and helping us with going forward smoothly. The process has been very smooth with the transition between our previous principal and Principal Halfmann. I really appreciate all of our volunteers and hope to have just as many next year and have another wonderful breakfast next year as well." 

Principal Halfman is also impressed with the commitment of the Lehua Elementary volunteers and current PCNC Melody Nauta and outgoing PCNC Neily Roldan-Castillo (who did a great job in her coordinating and leadership role with the volunteers).

"As a new principal, I have been wholly impressed at the commitment of Lehua Elementary School’s volunteers," said Halfmann. "These and many other volunteers have demonstrated their commitment to our students by offering their time in all kinds of ways, often behind the scenes.  Without their help we simply would not be able to offer the things that we do for our students.   I am very grateful for their service.   I also appreciate Melody Nauta and Neily Roldan-Castillo (current and outgoing PCNC) for all they do to coordinate, orient and thank our volunteers.   The volunteers and the PCNCs have been vital to our school and students success this year."

Volunteers represented school parents, community organizations such as the Rotary Club of Pearlridge, community volunteers representing our Military Armed Forces, and many more.

I would like to personally thank Principal Halfmann and the school for the opportunity to serve as a volunteer. It's an honor to be recognized by the administration, teachers, staff, and especially the incredible students who truly appreciate each and every volunteer for their service and commitment that helps to improve their learning environment and experience at Lehua Elementary School.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Lehua Elementary School Principal Mr. Joseph Halfmann (bottom row, far right),

and school PCNC Melody Nauta (next to Principal Halfmann ), are pictured inside

the school cafeteria during the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast that honored and

recognized the volunteer's support and efforts for the 2013-2014 school year.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Melody Nauta stands behind a portion of the wonderful buffet style breakfast items that

were prepared and served to the volunteers at the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Lehua Elementary School Principal, Mr. Joseph Halfmann presents a very deserving school

volunteer with an appreciation certificate for her efforts in support of Lehua Elementary School.