Special Olympics Hawaii – Aukake Classic Aug. 9 & 10 at Waiau District Park

Aug 1, 2014 | PC Sports


Hawaii's Special Olympians will converge at Waiau District Park in Pearl City during the annual Aukake Classic held on Saturday, August 9 and Sunday, August 10. Over 400 Coaches and Athletes from throughout the state will compete in the 2-day event.

The Special Olympics Hawaii web site reports: Athletes train from June – August and compete in Area and Regional competition in preparation for this event. Competition includes a multi-division 5-a-side Soccer tournament, Individual Skills Soccer competition, and Traditional and Unified Bocce Doubles competition. The Aukake Classic marks the end of the Summer season.

It's a great event that fills the entire upper and lower Waiau District Park fields with fans and supporters cheering on their favorite athletes in each event as well as at the awards ceremony that is both heartfelt and inspiring as the courageous Special Olympian Athletes climb up upon the awards podium to collect their medals.

For more information log on to: http://www.specialolympicshawaii.org/games-and-competition/aukake-classic.html

MyPearlCity.com File Photo | [email protected]

Special Olympian Alson Pestrello from Hilo, Hawaii is pictured with his Red Waves coach Cynthia Torian

on Sunday, August 18, 2013  at the Aukake Classic Unified Bocce competition held at Waiau District Park.

MyPearlCity.com File Photo  | [email protected]