The memory of Shigeo "Shige" Ushiro was honored on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 by the Pearl City community with the official renaming of Manana Neighborhood Park to Shigeo Ushiro Manana Neighborhood Park during a blessing and dedication ceremony sponsored by the office of Honolulu City Councilmember Breene Harimoto.
Mr. Ushiro was a dedicated community leader and volunteer for several decades dating back to 1968 when he and wife Elaine moved into the Pearl City, Manana community. Mr. Ushiro was also a career educator retiring in 1986 after 31 years in the DOE and the last 12 years of his career as the principal at Highlands Intermediate School. He also served his church, Our Lady of Good Counsel, as the chair of the OLGC finance committee.
He is known for, and most proud of being the guiding force behind the Manana Neighborhood Park pool becoming a reality and one the first neighborhood parks to have a first class pool for the community to enjoy.
I had the honor of serving with Mr. Ushiro as a board member on both the Pearl City Foundation and Pearl City Community Association. He was truly respected and admired by the community and friends with the title of "Mr. Pearl City". He could always be counted on to get the job done for the needs of the community, mostly by leading the charge with many FUNdraising chicken sales and FUN days like the annual Manana Neighborhood Park Easter Egg Hunt.
The Pearl City community turned out on Wednesday, October 29 to be a part of the dedication and blessing ceremony that touched everyone’s hearts as their dear friend "Shige" was immortalized with the unveiling of the official Shigeo Ushiro Manana Neighborhood Park plaque that was donated by the Pearl City Foundation, Pearl City Community Association, Manana Community Association, and other donors.
Honolulu City Councilmember Breene Harimoto (Pearl City, Waipahu, Aiea) served as the historic event emcee and also event sponsor.
Reverend Father Pascual Abaya, IV from Our Lady of Good Counsel blessed the event and the memorial plaque along with a performance by the Our Lady of Good Counsel School Choir who sang and danced to several numbers to the delight of all attendees and to honor their fellow OLGC parishioner and his family.
Officials from the City & County of Honolulu along with Pearl City community representatives were guest speakers that expressed their gratitude for the service that Mr. Ushiro gave whole heartingly to his community. is very grateful for the blessing and opportunity to post the PC Heart & Soul story in honor of our friend Shigeo "Shige" Ushiro and his wonderful ohana.
You are truly missed but never forgotten!
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Elaine Ushiro is pictured with the newly unveiled Shigeo Ushiro Manana Neighborhood Park
plaque that honors and recognizes her husband's Lifetime Contributions to the Pearl City community.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Shigeo Ushiro ohana pictured with Reverend Father Pascual Abaya, IV
(second from left) from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Elaine Ushiro is pictured with Reverend Father Pascual Abaya, IV and City Councilmember Breene
Harimoto who was instrumental in pushing forward Resolution 13-153 that was approved by the City Council
on Wednesday, August 7, 2013 after testimony by the community at Leeward Community College in support of
the resolution to rename the Manana Neighborhood Park to Shigeo Ushiro Manana Neighborhood Park.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Director Michele Nekota from the Department of Parks and Recreation represented the city
with words of gratitude for Mr. Ushiro's commitment and service to the Pearl City Community.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Longtime friend and fellow community leader Dr. Kenji Uejo spoke about his buddy and the good
times they shared together while serving the Pearl City community as professionals and volunteers.
.Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Former Manana Community Association President Mr. Albert Fukushima spoke about the
years spent on the board with Mr. Ushiro and the many projects and services that benefitted the
Manana and Pearl City community. The biggest accomplishment being the successful efforts
made by Mr. Ushiro to the have a pool built and installed at the Manana Neighborhood Park.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Current Pearl City Highlands Elementary School Principal Mr. Michael Nakasato
shared his experience with the Ushiro family while growing up in Pearl City and
the encouraging words and advice that Mr. Ushiro gave him as a Pearl City little
leaguer and later on in life upon being named as the new principal at Pearl City Highlands
Elementary School. The encouragement and wisdom shared by Mr. Ushiro, who was a
retired principal from Highlands Intermediate School, will live with him forever.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Elaine Ushiro is pictured with (from left to right) State Representative Gregg Takayama,
City Councilmember Breene Harimoto and State Senator Clarence Nishihara.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Elaine Ushiro (far right) is pictured with Our Lady of Good Counsel School Principal
Mrs. Cindy Olaso (second row, second from left) and the OLGC Choir who performed
during the Shigeo Ushiro Manana Neighborhood Park Blessing and Dedication
Ceremony. Councilmember Breene Harimoto is pictured in the second row, third from left.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
The OLGC School Choir sang and danced their hearts out in honor of Mr. Shigeo Ushiro.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
The OLGC School Choir also shared their love and Aloha for the Ushiro ohana.
Photo courtesy of the Ushiro family
Aloha Shige!
You truly gave your Heart & Soul!
Here is a link below to a cover story featured the Honolulu City Council's approval and passing of Resolution 13-153 that honored and renamed the Manana Neighborhood Park to the Shigeo Ushiro Manana Neighborhood Park: