Community service volunteers from the Rotary Club of Pearlridge and Rotary Club of Mililani Sunrise assisted the staff at the Institute of Human Services in Iwilei to help serve hot holiday meals to the women and children in the shelter on Sunday, December 21, 2014.
It was a very rewarding experience for the Rotarian volunteers who were given the opportunity to give back to the community by lending a hand for the women and children of our community who are in desperate need of food and shelter that is provided by the IHS.
Hawaii District 5000 Rotarians are committed in serving the needs of our island residents through various community service projects throughout the year.
Mahalo to the Rotary Club of Pearlridge and Rotary Club of Mililani Sunrise volunteers. Also, mahalo to our Pearl City connection from the Rotary Club of Pearlridge who volunteered on Sunday:
Doreen Higa, RCOP Board Member, Principal, Momilani Elementary School and husband Roy Higa
Rick Lau, RCOP Board Member, Pearl City resident
Barry Villamil, RCOP Board Member, Pearl City resident and Mary Villamil, Pearl City resident
Have a very Merry Christmas!