Saturday’s EAT THE STREET unites our community in support of PC schools

May 25, 2015 | PC Community


This past Saturday's EAT THE STREET fundraiser held at the Pearl City High School stadium in support of our Pearl City Complex Schools, brought back memories of the days when Pearl City residents, and their ohana would pack Pacheco Park for a weekend of fun and entertainment at the annual Pearl City E.K. Fernandez Carnival.

On Saturday, from 2pm-7pm, the Pearl City community, as well as visitors alike, came together on the PCHS stadium turf to browse and dine at over thirty-six EAT THE / STREET GRINDZ  food trucks that stretched along the stadium track. It was an amazing five hours of fun, food, entertainment, and community bonding that brought together our neighbors, friends, PCHS alumni and current student body, businesses, and community organizations all in support of our eight Pearl City Complex elementary schools, Highlands Intermediate, and Pearl City High School.

The Pearl City Community Association (PCCA) and Pearl City High School (PCHS) partnered to present the event. In just a five week period, the PCCA and PCHS, along with the EAT THE STREET/STREET GRINDZ event marketing team, organized and planned out Pearl City's first ever EAT THE STREET event fundraiser.

There are so many people to thank for the success of Saturday's event. First of all, thank you to our Pearl City community who continue to step up to the plate in support of the needs of our community from keiki to kupuna.

As a PCCA board member, I would like to thank my fellow PCCA board members starting with PCCA President, Jits Fujimura who's leadership has guided us with a fresh vision and new set of goals that are focused on serving our community to best of our abilities through partnerships and fundraising efforts that truly make an impact with regard to the well-being and needs of our community. Our PCCA membership has generously supported the Pearl City community through our annual membership drive and annual donations made to the PCCA that goes directly back into the community each year.

As I watched the crowd grow and grow throughout the afternoon on Saturday, I was overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude for the support from Pearl City High School Principal Aaron Tominaga, VP Kyle Miyashiro, PCHS administration and staff, hundreds of PCHS students, and Pearl City Complex and community volunteers who were all working hard to make the day a success and a great time for the community.

Mahalo for the generous sponsorship support from Kiewit and also to STREET GRINDZ  CEO Poni Askew, her team, and to the awesome EAT THE STREET food truck vendors for being the best at what they do! Our Pearl City community can't wait for the next one!

"I'm really excited to see the community come out and support this event," said PCHS Principal Aaron Tominaga. "I'm really happy and looking forward to continuing on into the future. I would like to thank the Pearl City Community Association and to all the volunteers from the complex schools. It really makes me proud to be from Pearl City."

"This is something different for the Pearl City community to have an event like this," said PCCA President Jits Fujimura. "This is going to be an outstanding event for years to come. The PCCA would like to thank the complex schools, all the principals, and everyone connected to Eat The Street."

"This is an incredible day," said Congressman Mark Takai, proud PCHS alumni. "I think not only the people of Pearl City, but pretty much the entire islands here. It looks like thousands of people. This is great. The benefit to supporting our schools is that much extra. It's also great to come home. At Pearl City High School, there's nothing better."


Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]


(From L-R) Momilani Elementary School VP Garrett Arakawa, PCHS Alumni and

event emcee Chaz Mihara, PCHS VP Kyle Miyashiro, PCHS Principal Aaron Tominaga,

PCCA President Jits Fujimura, and community volunteer Roy Higa.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

PCCA board members and members are pictured with Honolulu City

Councilman Brandon Elefante (white shirt) inside the PCCA membership tent.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Mahalo to the Street Grindz / Eat The Street Team!

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Mahalo to Kiewit for their sponsorship and support of our Pearl City Complex Schools.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Hundreds of PCHS students volunteered their time to help out in support of the PC complex.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Pearl City High School students also provided entertainment throughout the event.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Congressman Mark Takai gave us one last look at his ice cream sandwich before it disappeared.