Second Saturday at the Garden: Victory Garden Preview Workshop, June 13

Jun 6, 2015 | PC Community


Second Saturday at the Garden!
Join the O’ahu Master Gardeners and UGC ‘Ohana Volunteers at the Pearl City Urban Garden Center for Second Saturday at the Garden!  Garden demonstrations, UH Master Gardener “Got a Plant Question” booth, tours, UH Seed sales, volunteer plant sales and self garden tours at every event.  Visit to learn more about resources for Home Gardeners!

Stroll the Gardens, visit our plant sale, and talk to UH Master Gardeners at the “Got a Plant Question Booth”

Workshop: Victory Garden Workshop Preview! 9:30AM-10:30AM
The Victory Garden Program is a 16 hour course led over 4 weeks that covers design, getting started, maintenance, and harvest with food safety. It leaves students with enough information to get growing and a community of garden curious people to share the highs of growing and eating your first tomato and the lows of your fallen sprouts.

Victory Gardens began during WWI and continued through WWII. Planting edible gardens in schools, communities, and backyards was normalized and supported. Over 20 million Victory Garden lots were created across the US and Hawai`i that provided 40% of the US produce.

Today, over 80% of Hawai`i schools have gardens, the Honolulu county community gardens have waiting lists, and more and more people from all backgrounds are interested in growing their own food at home.
There is a growing movement of Victory Gardeners thirsty for knowledge on how to start edible gardens, maintain them, and use the produce. Master Gardeners are in demand and are perfectly suited to instruct beginning gardening lessons to the public.

Sarah Leone, who has taught 2 Victory Garden Courses at Emalani Organic Community Garden (St Andrew's Church) will be teaching a one hour Victory Garden Preview for the Oahu Urban Garden Center's Second Saturday, June 13th, 9:30-10:30am.

Please join us to learn more about the program and how you can get involved. For more information, email Sarah at [email protected].