Pearl City community comes together to address overgrown landscaping, Councilman Elefante responds

Oct 29, 2015 | PC Community

Yesterday I reached out to my Facebook friends for their opinions with regard to the overgrown landscaping on Kuala Street in Pearl City (pictured below) as well as the landscaping at the Pearl City Public Library, Waimano Home Road, and Komo Mai Drive. They gave me valuable feedback and were ready to organize, weed whackers in hand, to attack the mentioned areas and beautify it once again. I felt that we should first address the issue through the proper channels which in that area is the city's responsibility.

I contacted City Councilman Brandon Elefante last night via email and received an email from him this morning informing me that they will look into the Kuala Street overgrown area and get a crew out there to clean it up. He said that he will also look into the Pearl City Library, Waimano Home Rd and Komo Mai Drive areas that are also in much need of a clean-up as well. Councilman Elefante needs to determine if those areas are the responsibility of the city or state.

I also received a phone call and email that followed this afternoon from Councilman Elefante Legislative Aide Dion Mesta letting me know that their office will be looking into the overgrowth concerns on Kuala Street, at the Pearl City Library, and on Waimano Home Road and Komo Mai Drive. He said he will document the extent of the landscaping attention needed, and will be in the area to take additional photos to share with our City agencies. He will make a formal request to the city administration with the photo documentation to request their immediate attention.

I will keep everyone updated on the progress from the city and state to get the job done. Thank you to everyone for your comments and feedback that will lead to the clean up our Pearl City community and insure that it will be maintained. Thank you also to Karlton Lee for his photos of the overgrown areas around the Pearl City Library.

A special thank you to Councilman Elefante and his office for moving forward with our request to take care of the overgrown landscaping in our Pearl City community. Hopefully it will extend to other communities on Oahu that are in the same situation as Pearl City.



Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Kuala Street median near Pearl City Urgent Care, between Manana Community Park and Walmart.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo courtesy of Karlton Lee

Pearl City Public Library area on Waimano Home Road.

Photo courtesy of Karlton Lee