Pearl City Parks on the radar for field maintenance assistance

Feb 2, 2016 | PC Community


I am happy to report that discussions are underway to create a partnership between the city, Pearl City community organizations and businesses to implement a maintenance program that will beautify our community parks as well as insuring a safe playing surface for park users from youth to Makule league sports.

On Tuesday, I had the honor of meeting with Councilmember Brandon Elefante, his staff, Department of Parks and Recreation Director Michele Nekota and District 4 Manager Glenn Kajiwara. Our meeting took place at Councilman Elefante's office at Honolulu Hale.

We discussed moving forward with a pilot program beginning with Pacheco Park that will first assess immediate park field maintenance needs (baseball diamond, outfield, football field, etc.).

Our first goal is to supply the baseball diamond with quality top soil and cinders, fill holes on the baseball diamond playing surface as well as in the outfield.

Second, coordinate overall park grounds mowing schedule. A shortage of city parks and recreation work crews has left many parks overgrown and unkept.

Third, work with the city, community groups, youth league organizations and businesses via partnerships that will assist in providing volunteers for field maintenance work and sponsorships that will provide additional funds for field maintenance materials and supplies.

On the table for discussion and planning is to conduct a park work day to be held quarterly with an annual park work day that will include and unify participating communities across Oahu. An end of park work day celebration to recognize and say mahalo to the many volunteers and businesses for their efforts in helping to beautify our communities and neighborhoods will cap the annual event.

Connecting the City and Community

In order to connect our city parks with the community I have proposed creating the CITY A.P.P.S. – Adopted Public Parks & Spaces

How it works:

1. Signage at parks that have been adopted by the community through community organizations and business sponsorships will be posted to recognize those who are responsible for the maintenance and success of their parks.

2. Online/Social Media APPS that make a direct connection to each adopted public park and space that enables residents to report a problem, say mahalo, showcase events, congratulate a team’s success, etc. The city will be able to use the APPS to get the word out with regard to park maintenance work schedules, park beautification projects, new city park openings, city spaces, got a park question?, etc.

This is exciting stuff and a win win for all. I will keep everybody updated as we move forward with the project.

Thanks and have a great day!



(Photo below taken on Tuesday inside Councilman Elefante's office)

(L-R) Barry Villamil, Department of Parks and Recreation Director Michele Nekota,

District 4 Manager Glenn Kajiwara, and Councilman Brandon Elefante.

In early January, a Pearl City League park maintenance work day was conducted by

PCLL volunteers that included players, coaches, parents, and community volunteers.

The PCLL is an example of coordinating field maintenance efforts with the city in order

to safely play ball each season at Pacheco Park