Pearl City residents recently brought to my attention their concerns for a potential safety issue to motorists, pedestrians, and neighbors with regard to the (visual) poor condition of a tree on Waimano Home Road across from the Pearl City Public Library. i reached out to Councilman Brandon Elefante's office and they responded immediately to let me know that they have submitted a request to investigate the situation and will get back to me with their findings, which I will pass on to you. I took a few photos of the tree for the city to review before they went out to investigate.
I want to thank Councilman Elefante and his office for taking action on this matter involving the public's safety in our Pearl City community. Thank you Tricia for always answering the call!!
Also, thank you to Pearl City resident Karlton Lee for recognizing the situation and reaching out to me and others to request help from the city. Karlton took the time out of his day to take a photo of the tree and posted it on Facebook. Mahalo!
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]