City all set to make traffic safety improvements to Lehua Avenue

Oct 27, 2016 | PC Community

As a result of solicited comments and concerns from Pearl City residents and businesses in late May, 2016, the city announced yesterday that traffic safety improvements to Lehua Avenue in Pearl City will begin soon. Honolulu City Councilman Brandon Elefante contacted me via email  yesterday with the good news that the Lehua Avenue traffic safety improvements project will begin later this year.

"I want to inform you about a few changes to the road repaving and traffic markings along Lehua Ave. The travel lanes in each direction will decrease. According to the City’s Department of Transportation Services, the project is scheduled to begin later this year."

On May 24,  the Hawaii Bicycling League organized a "Lehua Avenue Solutions" meeting fronting the Pearl City Community Church at Lehua Avenue & 3rd Street in Pearl City that brought together the city, Lehua Avenue area residents and businesses, HPD, HFD, and community leaders for a discussion to field ideas on how to improve traffic safety on Lehua Avenue. Five months later, everything is in place to get the job done and remedy the current hazardous traffic conditions for pedestrians, motorists, schools, neighbors, and businesses along Lehua Avenue.

Mahalo to City Councilman Brandon Elefante and his staff for including our community concerns in the Lehua Avenue traffic safety and road improvements discussion. The voice of our Pearl City community came through loud and clear while offering productive, intelligent solutions and input to the traffic safety project

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Lehua Avenue (Makai) approaching the HI Freeway Overpass. Picture taken on

Wednesday, October 26, 2016. Traffic safety improvements to Lehua Avenue will include

changes in repaving, traffic markings, and decrease to travel lanes in both directions.


Lehua Avenue Solutions Meeting brings together the city and community File Photo | [email protected]

Lehua Avenue Solutions Meeting participants are pictured in a group

photo on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at Lehua Avenue & 3rd Street in Pearl City.