Highlands Intermediate students shine at Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair

Written by Mr. Eric White, Student Activities Coordinator / After School Sports Coordinator
Highlands Intermediate School

Congratulations to the following students for competing at the Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair held last week at the Hawaii Convention Center. Student that represented Highlands and the Leeward District are: Taylor Ann Agena, Chasity Bumanglag, Trent Domingo, Hermary Gonzales, Alyssa Kainuma, Dylan Kaneshiro, Dakota Kaupu, Noelle Kim, Remy Kubota, Reyan Lee, Jennifer Miwa, and Lauren Kana Suzuki.  

Congratulations to the following students that received awards:  
Jennifer Miwa – 2nd place from the American Chemical Society
Dylan Kaneshiro – 2nd Place in Physics and Astronomy
Dakota Kaupu – 3rd Place in Physics and Astronomy
Remy Kubota- Honorable Mention from Hawaiian Entomological Society, Third Place in Biomedical and Health Sciences, and a Nomination to Broadcom Masters (National Competition)

Good luck to Remy as she competes for a possible spot to Washington, D.C.  Congratulations to all for an outstanding performance!  Pictures from the event are attached below.  Please contact Highlands Intermediate Science Club Advisor, Kathy Lin for more details ([email protected]



Photo by Highlands Intermediate School

(L-R) Front Row: Remy Kubota, Jennifer Miwa, Hermary Gonzales,

Lauren Kana Suzuki, Alyssa Kainuma  |  Back Row: Dylan Kaneshiro, Reyan Lee,

Dakota Kaupu, Chasity Bumanglag, Trent Domingo, Noelle Kim, Taylor Ann Agena


Trent Domingo

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


Dylan Kaneshiro

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


Dakota Kaupu

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


Lauren Kana Suzuki

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


Reyan Lee

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


Remy Kubota

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


Taylor Ann Agena

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


Jennifer Miwa

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


Chasity Bumanglag

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


Hermary Gonzales

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


Alyssa Kainuma

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


Noelle Kim

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School


(l-r)  Remy Kubota, Dylan Kaneshiro, Dakota Kaupu, Jennifer Miwa

Photo by Highlands Intermediate School