The Construction Destruction

Written by Drew Hashimoto, Highlands Voice, Highlands Intermediate School


An eighth grader who is affected by the construction is Karyl Ignacio from team Laulea. Students crowding their way to the bottom of the campus by C and K building to hang out with their friends. But why? The D and B building areas has been blocked off since April third of 2017 and still is blocked off. Many students have been asking questions about the construction.

  “We have to give the grass time to grow and establish roots so future generations can use it for recess and lunch.” said vice principal Mr. Battad. Although D and B building is blocked off, it should re -open soon. “Unfortunately D and B building will be blocked off for the rest of the school year,” Mr. Batad claims. As promising as that sounds, there are other construction projects during the school year. “As this article is being published the school is yet taking part with another construction project. All the portables of Highlands Intermediate School will be closed for solar panels and air conditioning units,” Mr. Battad said. “The landscapers said thatunderstanding and that certain timelines are beyond the school’s control,” Mr. Battad said gratefully.

  D building has been a hang out to many of the eighth graders here at Highlands. Let’s see what their opinions and feelings are about the D building block off. is takes about 90 days for the grass to establish.” “ Thank you to all the students for their

“Instead of doing the construction there now, why can’t they do the construction during the summer? Because most of the eighth graders hang out by the D and B building and now since they made us go by C building it’s really crowded,” Ignacio said glumly. “ I hang out in the hallway by C building because it’s the closest way to get to my classes, I hung out in D building because all my classes were mainly in A building,” Ignacio explained.

 “To be honest I don’t really care. I mean, yes, for some people it may be unfair because that’s where most people hang out, so you’re taking away their hang out place away and forcing them to hang out in big crowds. But since I just hang out wherever, I don’t care about D and B building being blocked off.” said Noelani Feliciano, an eighth grader on team Hui Manao.

  Although there are some mixed emotions for this construction project, the flip side is that the D and B building will eventually open up so all the students can hang out there once again. What lies beyond the barrier? Well incoming eighth graders will find out next year!

D building poll: 119 students polled