From the Heart Blessings on Christmas Day

Dec 25, 2017 | PC Community

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas Day! I would also like share the attached messages that were posted on our Pearl City "Messages of Life" – Healing Wall at the Pearl City Shopping Center.

In the past month and a half, the WALL has changed my life, as well as many others that I have had the pleasure of meeting and talking to each day. There are so many people who have posted their messages that represent their thoughts, from deep inside, that are an inspiration to those who read them.

Also, within the last couple of months, time spent volunteering at Kahauiki Village, which will soon be home to 150 current homeless families on Oahu, has brought me an extreme sense of compassion for the men, women, and children who are struggling on our streets throughout Hawaii to survive as a family. Food, shelter, and being safe and secure will soon be a reality to over 2000 island homeless souls at Kahauiki Village.

I would like to share this story that was told to me this past Saturday as my Rotary Club of Pearlridge, along with other Oahu Rotary International District 5000 clubs were participating in a donation drive to help supply 30 Kahauiki Village homes with much needed household supplies (pots and pans, bedding, towels, etc.).

During the week, a mother and her two children came to the village and asked staff that was working at the time, if it was okay to look inside one of the homes? One of the homes was opened up so they could look inside. The mother and children all began to cry. You see, they will be leaving a shelter soon and will be moving into one of the 30 out of 150 homes, when completed, and ready for occupancy.

During a break on Saturday, and after hearing the story about the mother and her two children, I couldn't help thinking of the families, on their first night in their new homes, as the children are all tucked in their own beds, and the parents retire for the night, knowing that there is a tomorrow. A safe and secure future, because of so many volunteers that cared to make it happen for them.

It's an amazing and beautiful experience being a part of the WALL and Kahauiki Village. I thank God for my blessings!

Thank you for being my friends and allowing me to share this part of my life with all of you. Please have a wonderful Christmas Day and Holiday season!
