2018 Pearl City Community Association Bingo Breakfast Bash

Jan 28, 2018 | PC Community

Thank you to everyone who made yesterday's Pearl Community Association Bingo Breakfast Bash a huge success! We all enjoyed a wonderful breakfast, followed by the installation of the 2018 PCCA Officers and Board or Directors, and an hour of Bingo where everyone went home with a prize (or more).

Thank you to PCCA Board Member Liz Ishimitzu who served as emcee. Also, thank you Senator Breene Harimoto (former PCCA Board Member) for officiating the installation of the board.

We are also very grateful to Councilmember Brandon Elefante who presented the PCCA Officers and Board of Directors with certificates of congratulations on behalf of Council of the City and County of Honolulu.

We are also very grateful for our generous PCCA membership and also the generosity of all of our Bingo Breakfast Bash sponsors who contributed prizes for the Bingo portion of our event.

As the 2018 PCCA President, I would like to send a mahalo to our community who we as PCCA Officers and Board of Directors will serve with our hearts to help better the lives of our residents and their families.

Thank you!

2018 PCCA Officers
President: Barry Villamil
1st Vice President/Program Chair: Lana Murakami
2nd Vice President/Fundraising: Eunice Espinosa
3rd Vice President/Membership: Kyle Miyashiro
Secretary: Patti Rabacal
Treasurer: Wendy Ledesma

2018 PCCA Board of Directors
Garrett Arakawa
Melissa Bojorquez
Jits Fujimura
Molina Gomez
Elizabeth Ishimitsu
Eva Lospoc
Kelsey Poaha
Aaron Tominaga
Kathy Wyatt


Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Thank you to Senator Breene Harimoto who installed the 2018 PCCA

Officers and Board of Directors. Senator Harimotoi s a former PCCA Officer

and is pictured with Kesley Poaha who was installed on Saturday as a newly

elected PCCA Board of Director.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Thank you to Councilman Brandon Elefante for presenting the 2018 PCCA

Officers and Board of Directors with certificates of congratulations on behalf of the

Council of the City and County of Honolulu. I’m pictured with Councilman Elefante

and his beautiful fianc'e Waioli.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

PCCA 1st Vice-President Lana Murakami is pictured with a happy Bingo prize pack winner.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

PCCA Charter member Kenji "Doc" Uejo shows off his PCCA Polo shirt from the past.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

State Representative Roy Takumi is all set to dive into his Bingo Breakfast Bash

plate of rice,eggs, portugese sausage and spam. Representative Takumi was joined

by area legislators; Senator Clarence Nishihara, Senator Breene Harimoto, and

Representative Gregg Takayama, as well as Honolulu City Councilman Brandon Elefante.