Highlands Intermediate science champions receive $500.00 from PCCA and Pearl City Shopping Center

Hi Guys!

I was a part of two check presentations made to Highlands Intermediate School (HIS) on Monday that will go towards supporting Highlands Intermediate award winning science classes that compete in Science Olympiad and Robotics competitions here in Hawaii and Internationally.

I made a $250.00 check presentation, along with fellow Pearl City Community Association Board Member Kelsey Poaha, to Ms. Kathy Lin in support of her HIS award winning and champion Science Olympiad students.

I also joined fellow Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association Board member Sheri Rolf in another $250.00 check presentation to Ms. Joan Okai in support of her HIS award winning and champion Robotics students.

Kathy Lin, Teacher, Life Science and STEM, Highlands Intermediate School Science Olympiad Team

“Thank you very much for the check donation. This money will help support the kids in the Science Olympiad and SeaPerch programs to purchase materials, as well as if they win, it will help with their travel expenses. It really means a lot.”

Joan Okai, Teacher, Highlands Intermediate School Robotics Team

“Thank you so much for donating the $250.00 because it will be going to purchase more parts and helping to pay for our registration at the World's competition. Registration is about $900.00, so any kind of donation really helps. Thank you!”


Kelsey Poaha and myself representing the Pearl City Community Association (PCCA) are pictured with Ms. Kathy Lin and her Highlands Intermediate Science Olympiad students after receiving their $250.00 PCCA donation.

Sheri Rolf and myself representing the Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association are pictured with Ms. Joan Okai and her Highlands Intermediate Robotics students after receiving their $250.00 Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association donation.

Pictured L-R:  Sheri Rolf, Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association; Joan Okai, Teacher, Highlands Intermediate School Robotics Team; Kelsey Poaha, Pearl City Community Association.