Momilani Elementary 3rd Grade Drama perform “King Egsie and the Missing Ingredient”

Momilani Elementary School's Grade 3 Drama performed to the original production of King Egsie and the Missing Ingredient on Wednesday in the school cafeteria. The original drama production was masterfully written and directed by Mr. Masaru Uchino with Mrs. Linda Nakata contributing her drama production talents as assistant director. The Grade 3 Drama cast members performed two shows at 8:00am and 6:00pm with standing ovations following each performance.


King Egsie, the ruler of a small kingdom known for its delicious cuisine, has declared a challenge to all culinary specialists across the land, to create a special dish that would satisfy his cravings for something special he has never tasted before. Anyone capable of impressing the king's taste buds would be given the highest recognition as Top Chef in the kingdom. The challenge brings out the best, and worst, in the cooking masters in the kingdom as they search for the key missing ingredient that the king is looking for.

Congratulations and Mahalo to the following:

Principal Mrs. Doreen Higa

Vice Principal Mr. Garrett Arakawa

Mr. Masaru Uchino and  Mrs. Linda Nakata

AV/Soundboard: Mr. Rexie Gomez & Mr. Lance Nishihara

Grade 3 Drama Band: Mrs. Dawn Kanoho, Mr. Daniel Nieva, Miss Locke Nishihara, Mr. Masaru Uchino

Videography: Mr. Noah & Mr. Reyn

Teachers, Staff, and Administration of Momilani Elementary School

Hui 'O Momilani PTSO

Parents and Extended Family Members of the Grade 3 Students


Awesome Show & Performance!


Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]