August 11, 2018 8:30 am – 11:30 am
Featuring our volunteer plant sale!
Rain Barrels!
The City and County of Honolulu Storm Water Quality Branch will present a 30-45 minute class and installation demonstration to collect rainwater from your roof. At the end of class you will go home with a working 55-gallon rain barrel! The class is free, but requires online registration and $20 deposit to reserve your space. The deposit will be refunded when you attend class. Visit this link to register for the workshop: Workshop 9 am to 10 am. Call 453-6050 for more info, space is limited.
“Backyard Composting: Nature’s Recycling
Learn the basics of backyard composting using resources from your yard and leftovers from your table! This FREE beginner workshop teaches you how to turn yard trimmings and food scraps into soil enriching compost. We’ve paired with the City & County of Honolulu to get you on your way to becoming a backyard composter. Workshop 10am-11am. Call to register 453-6050.”
Second Saturday at the Garden!
2018 SS@G is open 8:30AM-11:30AM
Located at 955 Kamehameha Highway, Pearl City HI directly behind the Pearl City Home Depot with our entrance by the Public Storage.
Join UH Master Gardeners on O’ahu and UGC ‘Ohana Volunteers at the Pearl City Urban Garden Center for Second Saturday at the Garden! Garden demonstrations, UH Master Gardener “Got a Plant Question” booth, UH Seed sales, volunteer plant sales** (dates TBD) and self-tours of the garden available at every event.
**Please note that not all events will host a plant sale.
Visit to learn more about resources for Home Gardeners!
Visit the UH Master Gardener FAQs link or search for a plant in Tropical Topics. Mahalo!
Capital Improvement construction in progress on our office buildings. Please use caution when visiting. Gardens and restrooms are open.