Pearlridge Rotarians kick off 2018 Dictionary 5000 Project

The Rotary Club of Pearlridge kicked off the 2018 Rotary International Dictionary 5000 Project during the week of September 10, 2018. Eight-hundred free dictionaries, donated by the Rotary Club of Pearlridge, will be distributed in the next two weeks to third grade students and their teachers representing 12 Pearl City and Aiea elementary schools.


Pearl City Highlands Elementary, Pearl City Elementary, Our Savior Lutheran, Lehua Elementary,

Alvah Scott Elementary, Waiau Elementary, Webling Elementary, Manana Elementary,

Momilani Elementary, Pearlridge Elementary, St. Elizabeth School, Palisades Elementary

Pearlridge Rotarians will return to each school at the end of the school year to award one student who best exemplified the Principals of Rotary International's "Four Way Test" with a Good Citizen Award and a $50.00 check. A copy of the “Four Way Test” was included in each dictionary.   Good Citizen Award winners will be selected by their teachers.

"Four Way Test"

1.  Is it the truth;
2.  Is it fair. to all concerned,
3.  Will it bring good will and better friendships,
4.  Will it be beneficial to all concerned

The Rotary Club of Pearlridge is dedicated to enhancing the educational experience of our students through the support of programs such as the annual Rotary International Dictionary 5000 Project.

"Service Above Self"

Pearl City Elementary School

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


RCOP Presenters

Dick Mosko, Emily Morisada Kuraoka,

Charlene Ikeda, Barry Villamil


Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

RCOP Board Member Charlene Ikeda is pictured helping a Pearl City

Elementary third grader navigate through his brand new dictionary.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]