It was another inspiring experience this past Monday as I joined fellow Pearlridge Rotarians Dick Mosko and David Matsushita to present Momilani Elementary School third graders and their teachers with free dictionaries donated by the Rotary Club of Pearlridge. We were honored for the opportunity to hand deliver 60 brand new dictionaries to the students and their teachers inside the Momilani Elementary third grade classrooms.
Pearlridge Rotarians would like to thank Momilani Assistant Principal Mr. Garrett Arakawa, and Momilani Elementary third grade teachers Mr. Masaru Uchino and Ms. Linda Nakata and especially the amazing, intelligent, polite, and hard-working third grade students for welcoming us into their classroom on Monday. Also, we are very grateful for the wonderful Mahalo card designed and personally signed by the entire third grade class.
The Rotary Club of Pearlridge annually presents and donates over 800 free dictionaries to third graders and their teachers representing 12 Pearl City and Aiea elementary schools as a part of Rotary International's Dictionary 5000 Project.
Pearlridge Rotarians will complete this year’s Dictionary 5000 Project free dictionary distribution this week with presentations at Pearl Ridge Elementary, St. Elizabeth School, and Palisades Elementary.
Pearlridge Rotarians will return at the end of the school year to present one student from each of the 12 elementary schools with a Good Citizen Award which includes a $50.00 check and recognition certificate from the Rotary Club of Pearlridge. Each Good Citizen Award winning student who best exemplified the principles of Rotary International’s Four Way Test throughout the school year will be selected by their teachers to receive the award.
"Four Way Test"
1. Is it the truth;
2. Is it fair to all concerned,
3. Will it bring good will and better friendships,
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Pearlridge Rotarian David Matsushita works with a student
to go navigate through his brand new dictionary.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Pearlridge Rotarian Dick Mosko calls upon a student during
the Q&A portion of Monday's dictionary presentation.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Momilani third grade teacher Mr. Masaru Uchino helps a student look up a word and
its definition as a part of an excersize to familiarize the students with their dictionaries.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Momilani Elementary third grade teacher Ms. Linda Nakata assists a student
to look up a specific category contained in the dictionary table of contents.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Momilani Elementary Assistant Principal Mr. Garrett Arakawa shakes the
hand of happy student before presenting him with his brand new dictionary.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]