PCHS Class of ’77 ROCKS!

I would like to thank Laurie who hosted our PCHS '77 get together last night for a group of awesome friends! Thank you to everyone who brought an amazing spread of ono dishes for all of us to feast on! We had a great time and a lot of fun!

Also, Aloha to Sandy who will be moving to Seattle soon! We will all miss you!


Check out the information below regarding the PCHS 50th Anniversary Yearbook (2021) that will feature 50 years of PCHS with alumni essays from their experiences while at PCHS.

Joanne Ing (former PCHS teacher) and the PCHS 50th Anniversary Yearbook committee is inviting PCHS alumni to submit their essays!

Dear Chosen One,
If you are an alumni or staff of Pearl City High School or staff, we want to include you in an exciting project. In 2021, Pearl City High School will be fifty years old. As part of the celebration, a book is planned which will contain alumni, staff and student essays. The purpose of this book is to connect/reconnect alumni, staff and community to form a network of support based on an association at PCHS.

A committee has been formed to plan, write and publish this 50th Anniversary book. We need your help. We need you to submit your essay describing your experience PCHS. What do you still remember that has influenced you? Essays may be funny or serious; profound or silly (crazy). Suggested areas include sports, band, activities (proms, parades, Songfest, assemblies) fads, student government, faculty, class schedules, the first year of PCHS, etc.

Don’t know what to write. Why don’t you get a group of your high school friends together to talk about the “old days” and then write a collective essay.

Don’t worry about your writing style. We may edit your contribution based on space, appropriateness and purpose without changing the essence of your essay.
Please email your essays as an attachment in “Word” format. Send to Email address [email protected]. If you have questions, email me at [email protected].
The following people are on this book committee. You may know them.

Teachers: Calvin and Sherry Abe, Arlene Aranita, Mike Ishihara, Joanne Ing. Principal, Gerald Suyama. Alumni: Gordon Arakaki, Lori Okuda, Dana Shishido, Dean/Mary Sensui, Nikki Takai, Eric Kanda, Valerie Chun Urima, Joann Kimura, Caren Kanahele, Chelsey Yadao,and Stuart Fujiyama.

If interested in helping and being involved, please let us know. We meet once a month(Sundays) at PCHS from 2-4 pm.
I am counting on you. You were chosen. Besides, don’t you want to be included in this book. You may not be so excited about submitting your essay, but when you see the final book, you will be glad you did.

Sincerely, Joanne Ing (Retired PCHS teacher)