Celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Jan 20, 2020 | PC Community

On this day, I believe that we are truly blessed as we honor the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. legacy of freedom and equal rights for all. I have included below a poster board filled with post it messages from Kanoelani Elementary School students that express their thoughts and feelings through the following Choose Love Movement principles that define Dr. King's message in life while on earth and for future generations that will be filled with his spirit as were are today.

Courage, Compassion, Forgiveness

I remember as a fourth grader growing up in Kansas City, Missouri the day that Dr. King lost his life. My father and I had just pulled into a gas station to fill up our car when we came across a bunch of people crowding around the gas station office doorway. As we got closer to the office door, we could see the early rioting and violence being broadcast on a black and white television in the corner above the cashier counter. The cashier began calling out to customers to move along and get home. It's not safe out here. My father paid for our gas and we drive home. The news reports that followed were scary and really sad.So many people across our country pictured in despair and truly brokenhearted over the death of their charismatic and beloved leader, I will never forget that day and time in my life that remains as clear today, 52 years later.

We are so fortunate to live in a state that welcomes and embraces all people as one in our culture of Aloha. The people of Hawaii will always hold in their hearts the respect, gratitude, and appreciation for Dr. King and the inspirational life that he led that ended in tragedy at an early age, but will live on in spirit forever.

God Bless.

..Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Created by Kanoelani Elementary School students