May 8, 2020 | PC Community


I would like to give everyone an update regarding efforts to relocate the POST Blue site at Lehua Community Park in Pearl City to Sand Island Park. 

I have been in communication with Representative Gregg Takayama and Representative Roy Takumi and HPD Captain Mike Lambert since the first 11 homeless individuals who are currently transitioning through the POST –Provisional Outdoor Screening and Triage program moved into the Lehua Community Park POST Blue site facility on Monday, April 27, 2020. Representative’s Takayama and Takumi and Captain Lambert have worked together to coordinate their efforts to present to the state a relocation proposal which will then be presented for federal approval.

The relocation proposal (plan and justification) was completed by Captain Lambert on Monday, May 4. Captain Lambert emailed me the following message below today to update while keeping Pearl City residents and the public apprised of the relocation progress.

“Thanks for keeping everyone informed.  My plan and justification went in on Monday, May 4th and I met with the State Parks representatives at Sand Island Park yesterday to review site options in the event National Parks Service agrees to the exemption request.  Other locations in the area of Sand Island Access Road were also identified as possible sites to relocate the Blue Site too, but would require light resurfacing work”

While we are working towards relocating the POST Blue site at Lehua Community Park, compassion and support for the current 25 occupants (as of Thursday, May 7) has been extended to them. This past Saturday, Every1ne Hawaii along with community volunteers passed out 8000 free masks in Pearl City at the Pearl City Shopping Center. Every1ne also made available an additional 2000 free masks for Captain Lambert and the POST Blue project. Thank you to Every1ne for supporting the homeless.

Also, thank you to Representative Gregg Takayama and Representative Roy Takumi and HPD Captain Mike Lambert for working together towards a better solution for those who are homeless and transitioning through the POST program and towards permanent shelter.

I will continue to keep you updated.

Have a great weekend!


Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]