Prayers for a friend, Breene Harimoto, in the arms of Angels…

Jun 19, 2020 | PC Community


Last night, our beloved leader, friend, and neighbor Senator Breene Harimoto passed away from pancreatic cancer. The Pearl City community and State of Hawaii lost a very special leader and champion for the community who gave his Heart and Soul to us all.


My prayers are sent to a very special friend as his spirit journeys upon the light of Heaven. I also send my prayers to Breene's wife Cheryl and the Harimoto family.


I would like to thank Breene for all the years that we served together as friends in our Pearl City community. He welcomed me as a board member on both the Pearl City Community Association and the Pearl City Foundation. It was a true honor to serve as Pearl City community volunteers under his leadership and commitment to our residents, businesses, and visitors to our community.


Breene was always there for everyone, especially as the Executive Director of the Pearl City Foundation that supports and enhances the lives of our keiki to kupuna through the many programs offered at the Momilani Community Center in Pearl City. Breene, along with Programs Director Naomi Tully-Ungacta, have built a culture of caring and personal growth that is shared through multi-generational friendships made through the Pearl City Foundation and the Momilani Community Center.

I was very fortunate to volunteer on Breene's successful election campaigns for the Honolulu City Council and State Senate. It was a proud moment being invited by the newly elected Senator to join him, his wife Cheryl, and other community leaders and special guests on the floor of the State Senate as Breene was being sworn in. It was an amazing moment in history and our special friendship that I will always cherish.

As my friend enters upon the light of Eternity, I will always be honored and grateful for the opportunity to share his words of Hope and Healing through power of prayer that he shared in Stuck on Aloha as he fought for his life with courage and the Lord by his side.

I would like to share a poem I wrote to comfort a friend who lost a young daughter a few years ago. I pray that the blessing of FAITH will lead Breene to the light of Heaven’s paradise.

God Bless my friend…



Following Angels In to Heaven


Butterfly wings ready for flight,

the time has come to journey into the light.


I can see the approach of beautiful angels as they glide upon my soul,

and keep me safe and warm as we travel upon the glow.


I’m following angels into the light of heaven,

with brand new angel wings I’ve just been given.


So happy and free,

filled with prayers from loved ones, behind, and in front of me.


When the time comes that we all shall reunite,

I promise a special little angel will lead you into the light.



Pictured: Barry Villamil and Senator Breene Harimoto

Pictured L-R: Barry Villamil, Cheryl Harimoto, and Senator Breene Harimoto

Pictured: Senator Breene Harimoto and Naomi Tully-Ungacta