Inaugural Senator Breene Harimoto School Supply Fund Drive

Aug 5, 2020 | PC Community

“Successful leaders work as a team while inspiring others to join them

in making a difference in their community.”

Senator Breene Harimoto was our community team leader and truly inspired many of us to work side by side in bettering the lives of our friends, neighbors, and families.

He led the way with a pure, giving Heart and Soul filled with passion and commitment to serve the Pearl City community he lived in, and the communities he represented.

Senator Harimoto will always be remembered and honored for his courage that delivered “Hope and inspiration for life” to those he touched while battling cancer.

We have a blessed opportunity to honor Senator Harimoto’s legacy that will forever perpetuate his giving spirit through the Annual Senator Breene Harimoto School Supply Fund Drive.

Please join us in supporting our Pearl City Complex Schools by donating supplies that are listed in the attached event flier, as well as monetary donations during the Inaugural Senator Breene Harimoto School Supply Fund Drive on Saturday, August 22, 2020.

Monetary donations are also currently being accepted online at:,

Thank you!