Mahalo to Councilman Brandon Elefante for his generous donation of school supplies, as well as cleaning and disinfecting supplies that will go towards tomorrow mornings Inaugural Senator Breene Harimoto School Supply Fund Drive. Councilman Elefante’s donation will directly benefit schools in the DOE Pearl City District Complex.
My fellow school supply fund drive organizing committee members and I would also like to thank Councilman Elefante and his wonderful staff for recognizing our event with an official Certificate presented to me today by Councilman Elefante from the City and Council of Honolulu.
The Certificate celebrates the Inaugural Senator Breene Harimoto School Supply Fund Drive that this year, supports our students and their campuses by “Keeping our schools safe and clean from COVID-19” as we honor our beloved elected official, community leader, neighbor, and especially friend to all.
I am truly grateful for the commitment to our community that serves to better the lives of its residents and their ohana through actions and support that Councilman Elefante and his community leadership team has bestowed upon our community year after year