Manana Elementary, Momilani Elementary recipients of 2021-22 Pearl City Shopping Center $1000.00 check donations

It was quite an honor to represent the Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association this morning, along with PCSC Merchants Association President Shawn Sablan, to present $1000.00 check donations to Manana Elementary and Momilani Elementary.

Today’s check donation presentations were part of the Pearl City Shopping Center’s commitment to financially support Pearl City Complex Elementary Schools.

Each year, two Pearl City elementary schools both receive a $1000.00 a check donation from the Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association. The annual check donations rotate on an annual basis between all eight elementary schools.

Shawn Sablan, President, Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association

“It’s always an honor to participate in these donation presentations. Both to be able to shake the hands and give thanks to those who are the foundation of building a strong community and also representing the Pearl City Shopping Center who continues to support the community which supports the shopping center.  Not to mention, it’s always a great way to say hi to our neighbors!”

Bryan Loo, Principal, Manana Elementary School

“We are always appreciative of what the Pearl City Shopping Center has been doing for the longest time with the donations, that’s awesome. We appreciate it and we thank the shopping center merchants and everyone for helping us and continue to support us.”

Garrett Arakawa, Principal, Momilani Elementary School

“We want to thank Barry and Shawn from the Pearl City Shopping Center for this amazing thousand dollars to support what we’re doing in school to keep our kids safe, to keep our teachers engaged, and to fill all kinds of different things that we need.

It couldn’t have come at a better time. Anything that can support our kids is super helpful. We want to thank everyone involved in this process including shopping center owner Duane Kurisu for always supporting Pearl City schools. We’re always indebted to the shopping center for the community work that they put in to the community to help support all our kids. We’re very honored to receive this today and will put it to good use.”

Since its inception in 2010, the Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association has donated $26,000 through the PCSC Merchants Association $1000.00 Annual Donation Program that financially benefits Pearl City Complex Elementary Schools.



Pictured: (L-R) Barry Villamil, Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association;

Bryan Loo, Principal, Manana Elementary School;

Shawn Sablan, President, Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association



Pictured: (L-R) Lance Nishihara, Counselor, Momilani Elementary School;

Tara Sesepasara-Williams, Vice-Principal, Momilani Elementary School;

Shawn Sablan, President, Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association;

Garrett Arakawa, Principal, Momilani Elementary School