Pearl City Highland Elementary School Fall Fundraiser – Kala Kokua

From Pearl City Highlands Elementary School


Pearl City Highlands Elementary School (PCHES) is having a Fall Fundraiser with Kala Kokua, where ordering is from Aug 30 – Sept 20 and pick up is on Sept 25, 2021 Saturday from 9am-12pm at the school. Orders are placed online, there are 4 yummy frozen products to choose from and the proceeds will help the keikis at the school. In addition, monetary donations are also gratefully accepted through the Kala Kokua Fundraising Website, which will go directly to the school.

We are about 1/2 way into our Fall Fundraiser deadline of Sept 20 and we raised thus far $3,000 out of the $15,000 goal. Yay! We are off on a strong start. There are 11 more days till the end of the Fundraiser and we are hoping you all can help us meet our goal of $15,000.