Rotary Club of Pearlridge and Our Savior Lutheran Interact Club students lend a hand at Pearl Harbor Bike Path Clean-up

Oct 25, 2021 | PC Community

I had a truly amazing and very rewarding weekend out in the community covering Pearl City High School football on Friday and Saturday, and also taking part in the Honolulu City & County annual Pearl Harbor Bike Path Clean-up.

On Saturday, I joined my fellow Rotary Club of Pearlridge (RCOP) community volunteers and our RCOP Our Savior Lutheran School Interact Club students to clean and beautify Puuloa Springs near Blaisdell Park in Aiea which is along the Pearl Harbor Bike Path.

It was a humbling site as we arrived early Saturday morning at around 7:30am as hundreds of community volunteers were descending upon the bike path to get started with the 2 hour clean-up.

Honolulu City & County crews had cleared out overgrown brush and trees during week in the area at Puuloa Springs which exposed tons of rubbish that was hidden behind the overgrown brush, tall grass, and trees along the Pearl Harbor shoreline.

It was an overwhelming site that made us wonder how this was allowed to accumulate in such a beautiful and scenic spot along the Pearl Harbor shoreline and bike path, especially with so many residents and their families utilizing the bike path on a daily basis. I have included photos of the area showing the rubbish that was bagged, along with bulk rubbish that was dragged near the bike path to pick up by City & County workers later in the day.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the many Navy volunteers and their family and friends who joined together to clear out the area. They put their heart and soul and commitment for our community to get the job done. It was huge effort that they accomplished in a short period of time during the bike path clean-up.

As the RCOP Interact Leadership Chair, I am extremely proud of our Interact students, advisors, family, and Principal Clarence De Lude (who is also a RCOP member) from Our Savior Lutheran School who worked really hard with our RCOP community volunteers to clean up Puuloa Springs. It wasn’t an easy task, but the Interact students got the job done and are looking forward to returning to Puuloa Springs during the RCOP’s monthly clean-up in the area.

I would also like to say mahalo to RCOP President Dick Mosko and RCOP Community Chair Lasar McCabe for their amazing leadership that truly inspires our RCOP membership to volunteer their time in the community with projects such as the Pearl Harbor Bike Path Clean-up.

Mahalo to RCOP community volunteers, Dick Mosko, Lasar McCabe. Gordon Arakaki, Rick Lau, Barb Craft, Clarence De Lude, Lawrence Agcaoili, and RCOP supporter Mary Villamil who volunteered their time on Saturday at the Pearl Harbor Bike Path Clean-up.

Mahalo to all the volunteers representing community organizations, businesses, schools, and the government who volunteered their time on Saturday.

Also to Hawaii Rotary District 5000 Clubs who participated as well.

I’m proud to be a Rotarian and for the opportunity to serve my community.

Service Above Self


Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Rotary Club of Pearlridge President Dick Mosko (far left) is pictured with Our Savior

Lutheran School Interact Club volunteers on Saturday at Puuloa Springs during

the Honolulu City & County annual Pearl Harbor Bike Path Clean-up.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Rotary Club of Pearlridge volunteers are pictured from L-R: RCOP President Dick Mosko,

Lasar McCabe, Gordon Arakaki, Rick Lau and Barry Villamil. Not pictured: Clarence De Lude,

Lawrence Agcaoili, and RCOP supporter Mary Villamil.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Mahalo to Rotary Club of Pearlridge Community Chair Lasar McCabe

for once again leading the way to clean-up and beautify Puuloa Springs

located along the Pearl Harbor Bike Path near Blaisdell Park in Aiea.


Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Mahalo to the dozens of Navy volunteers and their family and friends who

teamed up and bagged and cleared hundreds of pounds of rubbish at

Puuloa Springs on Saturday. It was huge effort and truly appreciated.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]