December 7, 2021 Pearl Harbor Remembrance by Our Savior Lutheran School

It was honor to attend the December 7, 2021 Pearl Harbor Remembrance, Hawaii at the Peace Bell event by Our Savior Lutheran School’s Rotary Interact Club yesterday morning at Blaisedell Park in Aiea.

Theme: Valor, Sacrifice, Peace

The Our Savior Lutheran School Rotary Interact Leadership Club students, led by Principal Clarence De Lude, along with school staff, parents and school supporters, joined together in remembrance of the 80th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.  Principal De Lude and his students read poems of Peace and unity through English and in Japanese.

The Our Savior Lutheran School ohana also, one by one, rang their Rotary Interact Leadership Club bell in Peace and in remembrance for those who perished in the attack on Pearl Harbor

Following the Pearl Harbor Remembrance, Hawaii at the Peace Bell event, Principal De Lude and his Interact students walked over to a homeless camp near the Peace Bell with bags of groceries that they donated to those individuals in need. It was such a wonderful moment to experience the Interact student’s outreach of compassion for the individuals struggling to survive in such a challenging homeless environment. They brought Hope through nourishment as they shared from their hearts.

I am so proud of the Our Savior Lutheran Rotary Interact Leadership Club who are sponsored by the Rotary Club of Pearlridge. They have hit the ground running since officially being certified as an Interact school in September, 2021.  They have committed themselves to serving their community through outreach projects that make a difference.  

Their volunteer efforts has focused on caring for the environment by being involved in clean-up and beautification projects , and humanitarian causes that benefits those most in need the community.

Mahalo to Our Savior Lutheran Rotary Interact Leadership Club Advisor Tawny Demello-Kuntz and RCOP- Our Savior Lutheran Rotary Interact Club Directors Clarence De Lude and Lasar McCabe for their guidance and mentorship.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]


Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

James Beecroft (L) and Kenneth Marshall (R) read a

poem by Bishop Ekan Ikeguchi in Japanese and English.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

OSLS Principal Clarence De Lude rings the OSLS Interact bell for Peace

and remembrance of those who lost their lives in the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

OSLS Interact students took turns ringing rang the Interact Bell.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

OSLS students walk with Principal De Lude to deliver bags of food

to the homeless who live near the Peace Bell at Blaisdell Park in Aiea.