PCHS student to share Pearl City community class project videos with students in Japan

I’ve been blessed recently for the opportunity to spend time with a talented group of Pearl City High School students and their teacher Mio Sato (satou sensei) from the Japanese Level 3 class..

The students are working on a video project that is focused on showcasing the best things about our Pearl City community and its history. I was invited as a guest speaker to visit with two period classes in November and December. My first visit in November was to share my thoughts with regard to potential Pearl City community video content for stories that the students could pursue, as well as sharing my ideas and experience covering the Pearl City community via MyPearlCity.com.

In my first visit, I also shared copies of my book Stuck on Aloha and the many inspirational stories about special people in Pearl City that live their lives with humble hearts filled with Aloha for one another.

During my second visit last Friday, I was invited to view and help with ideas that they could possibly implement in their videos. After speaking with the students, I had enough time remaining to sit down with three students to view and learn about their videos.

The three students I sat down with are working on the following video stories:

Pearl Harbor and historic shoreline

Foodland Farms

Palisades Shave Ice Store

The students videos are not yet completed, but well on their way to becoming an amazing representation of life in our Pearl City community when completed.

The videos are two minutes in length and are a part of the class project showcasing the Pearl City community that will be shared with high school students in Japan.

I am proud to announce that the Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association will be donating $250.00 in support of the students and their class project.

Thank you to Ms. Mio Sato and the Japanese Level 3 class students for welcoming me into their classroom. I really enjoyed the time spent amongst their creativity and dedication to putting together their videos that depicts the special people and places in Pearl City that they will share with Aloha with their high school peers in Japan.


Also, thank you Ms. Sato for sharing her photos from my class visits!

Photo by Mio Sato

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo by Mio Sato