Dexter Aoki and Representative Sam Kong, serving the community with Lion hearts

Jan 16, 2023 | Heart and Soul, PC Community

This past Saturday, I volunteered in the Aiea community with my buddies from the Mana Loa Nimitz Lions Club to clean up and beautify a few areas near the Aiea stream in Aiea. Volunteers painted over graffiti, cleared out overgrown weeds and grass, racked up leaves and nuts that were piled up along the sidewalk heading to Aiea Intermediate School and along Moanalua Road. Also, the Lion volunteers picked up and bagged rubbish in the area.

It was a little overwhelming to see the condition of the area when we first arrived at around 6:30am to begin our workday project, but by 8:30am upon completion of our work, most of the area landscape was all cleaned up. Motorists expressed their appreciation as they tooted their horns to say thank you as they passed by the Lion community volunteers. It was a very rewarding experience, and a positive interaction with the motorists while successfully beautifying a small stretch of the Aiea community.

I also realized on Saturday that I am lucky to have so many opportunities to volunteer in the community with dedicated individuals and organizations who give from their hearts without asking for anything in return. The volunteers leave each community workday project with a deep satisfaction that their efforts enhanced someone’s life and the community they live and thrive in. I am honored to serve the Pearl City and Aiea communities alongside exceptional and very special men, women, and keiki who enjoy volunteering their time together.

Today I would like to recognize two very special Mana Loa Nimitz Lions Club members and amazing friends, Dexter Aoki and State Representative Sam Kong. The two gentleman give from their hearts, along with dedicated fellow club members, to volunteer in the Aiea and Pearl City communities just about every weekend.

Dexter leads and organizes each community workday project, provides a portion of workday tools and equipment, and truly cares for his fellow club members, and the communities they serve. Dexter is the Plant Man, and generously donates and installs his special native Hawaiian plants and flowers that create, beautify, and brighten sustainable community landscapes.

Sam is always the first club member to arrive at each community workday site. He is there well before the sun comes up and the last to leave.  Sam is the Curb Man, and always gets right to work with his tools, blower, and trash bags in hand and dives right in to clearing out weeds, grass, and rubbish along sidewalk/road curbsides. Sam is an incredible and popular state legislator and community volunteer and is always there for the community he serves.

Dexter Aoki and Representative Sam Kong, the Heart and Soul of the community.


Photos by Barry Villamil |

Pictured: (L-R) Dexter Aoki, Barry Villamil, and Representative Sam Kong