Hawaiian Electric crews will be replacing a utility pole Thursday, March 2, in Waiau between Hoohulu and Hoolehua streets off Komo Mai Drive, affecting area traffic.
From 6 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., a crane will block both lanes of Hoohulu near Hooikaika Place, and no traffic will be allowed to pass. The crane also will block one lane of Hooikaika, with traffic directed to the open lane. Some residents on Hoohulu and all residents on Hooikaika will be rerouted to Hoomalu Street to exit and enter the neighborhood.
The actual pole replacement work is from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and will restrict street access and parking, as well as block driveways, along sections of Hoohulu between Komo Mai and Hoomalu. Area residents may hear construction work and can expect increased traffic.
Electronic message boards will be posted today to alert motorists and area residents of the upcoming work. Special duty police and flagmen will be onsite. Traffic cones and safety signs will mark the work zone.