I would like to first congratulate Lasar McCabe and our Rotary Club of Pearlridge (RCOP) community volunteers for being recognized and honored yesterday by the City & County of Honolulu during the Good Neighbor and Environmental Hero Awards ceremony for their efforts to revitalize a portion of the Historic Pearl Harbor Trail at Puuloa Springs located along the Pearl Harbor shoreline near Blaisdell Park in Aiea .Lasar received an induvial award, while the RCOP was recognized for the efforts with several other Central Oahu Rotary clubs.
An important and impactful part of the success of the RCOP Puuloa Springs beautification and environmental sustainability project is the support and hard work from our RCOP sponsored Rotary Youth Interact Leadership students, advisors, and support ohana from Pearl City High School, Highlands Intermediate School, and Our Savior Lutheran School.
As the RCOP Youth Leadership Interact Director, I am extremely proud and honored, along with our RCOP membership and supporters, of being the beneficiaries of the amazing dedication the past couple years, of the efforts put forth during monthly RCOP workdays that are coordinated by RCOP Treasurer and Community Service chair Lasar McCabe. Without the support from our Interact students, advisors, and school ohana, the RCOP Puuloa Springs Project would not be as successful as it is today.
They have volunteered many hours at Puuloa Springs clearing waterways, picking up rubbish along the Pearl Harbor shoreline and Pearl Harbor Bike Path, as well as clearing brush, weeds, overgrown grass, trimming trees, and installing plants, trees and flowers in the flourishing Puuloa Springs native Hawaiian Garden.
The Our Savior Lutheran School Interact team, led by OSLS Principal Clarence De Lude, who also serves on the RCOP Board, have also dedicated many volunteer hours to honor and revitalize the Historic Pearl Harbor Peace Bell located in Blasidell Park in Aiea near the Historic Pearl Harbor Trail.
With each monthly Puuloa Springs workday, the Interact community volunteer teams get right to work with the task at hand presented to them by Lasar McCabe, and after a couple of hours, get the job done.
There are many others who also play an integral role in the success of the RCOP Puuloa Springs Project while working side by side with the Interact teams. Mahalo to community volunteers from Rotary District 5000 clubs, Hawaii District 50 Lions Clubs, Navy, area elected officials, Punahou School students, the Pearl City and Aiea communities, and neighbors who live near Puuloa Springs and the Pearl Harbor Historic Trail and Bike Path.
Once again, congratulations to Lasar McCabe for her individual award and to the Rotary Club of Pearlridge for being recognized with several other Central Oahu Rotary Clubs for their efforts to revitalize the Pearl Harbor Historic Trail.
Service Above Self
Photos by Barry Villamil | MyPearlCity.com