Mahalo to Hawaiian Electric for their support of Saturday’s 2nd Annual Pearl City Easter Egg Hunt presented by the Pearl City Foundation and the Pearl City Shopping Center. We are extremely honored to have Hawaiian Electric as our partner and event title sponsor. Hawaiian Electric’s financial sponsorship made it possible for us to expand from 300 keiki participants in 2022 to 450 keiki in 2023.
Hawaiian Electric presented and hosted an energy efficiency tips booth on Saturday in the Momilani Community Center pavilion and also placed yard signs featuring energy efficiency tips throughout the Easter Egg Hunt field. Hawaiian Electric generously donated 10 sustainable, educational, and fun Golden Egg prizes. The keiki were excited to choose and take home a sustainable themed Golden Egg Prize.
Mahalo to Hawaiian Electric’s Brandi Crabbe, Manager, Community Relations, and Samantha Pauso, Community Affairs, and staff for hosting the interactive energy efficiency tips booth while welcoming and providing Pearl City Easter Egg Hunt keiki and their ohana with important and helpful energy efficiency tips.
Mahalo to Kurt Tsue, Director, Community Relations, Hawaiian Electric for his support and Hawaiian Electrics sponsorship of the Annual Pearl City Easter Egg Hunt and Annual Pearl City Christmas Toys For Tots Toy Drive. Also, mahalo to the Hawaiian Electric community relations team for their help and assistance with each community event.